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Help! Steering


Seasoned Member
Aug 28, 2009
Somers, NY
My XLR/V(s)
2006 Light Platinum XLR
I've had my 06 since last August and have not driven it that much. I had it out over the weekend and noticed the steering a little looser than my 08 CTS-4 and my Audi A4. I'm I just use to the CTS and Audi or should I have the front end of the XLR checked out?

Four new original issue run flat tires on the car and they are at the recommended air pressure of 32 psi.

Any info would be appreciated,.

Unless you've hit a curb or something has failed in your steering/suspension systems, your XLR's steering is probably fine. It's not a true sports car-it's a roadster. Flog a Porche Boxster for an afternoon and you'll quickly see what I mean. My CTS-V blows my XLR away in terms of cornering ability and overall handling. The XLR is more comfortable and refined, but doesn't feel anywhere as connected to the road as the CTS. If you haven't driven your XLR much, the "loose" feeling is probably much more apparent. The 08 CTS with upgraded sport supension package is no slouch either.

CC :wave:
Thanks for the feedback.
I wonder if the previous owner hit a curb? I did replace the front right aluminum wheel when I got the car because it was pretty banged up.

I have extended coverage so I'll have it checked out by the dealer.


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