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Help! Glove Box Latch


Mar 25, 2016
Utica, Mi
The Glove Box Latch mechanism on my 2008 XLR broke with the door closed. Is anyone familiar with the process to repair this and if so where can I purchase a new mechanism.


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did you happen to fiqure out how to get the old key cyclinder out and replace it into your new latch body ?
I will have to look at this one but usually there is a paper clip size hole to insert a wire In and push to release. Not sure of this one but will look.
Thank you all for responding to my question. Since then I have managed to fix the glove box latch. It was an easy fix and I was able to purchase the part for $50.00 thru GM Parts.
THANK YOU i was able to get it fixed and replaced thank u for confirmation on what that hole was for

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