About the Cadillac XLR Net

2004 Cadillac XLR - Neiman Marcus Edition

Ever since the 'Net became commonplace, more and more Cadillac XLR enthusiasts have gotten an opportunity to meet, exchange ideas and opinions and develop relationships. There are many gifted and experienced enthusiasts on the net. Some contribute to the forums, and some folks run Cadillac enthusiast sites of their own.

As the Internet grows, it becomes more difficult to find specific information. Short of asking a question in a magazine, or one of the more specific mailing lists, finding a web site with detailed information on Cadillac XLRs can be frustrating. Not to mention the difficulty in ascertaining the quality of information provided by well meaning individuals.

The XLR Net is an idea that was spawned from a variety of automotive enthusiasts on the Internet. The purpose of the site is to provide a place where Cadillac enthusiasts can research their XLR interests, support repairs and modifications, write articles to contribute to the site and buy/sell/exchange cars and parts. Our plan is to continue extending the site, by continuing to add the information that is important to you as Cadillac XLR owners and enthusiasts.

The XLR Net is supported by automotive vendors, which pay the bills to operate this site. This also provides vendors a place to let enthusiasts know what products and services they can provide to help all pursue our automotive passion. If you are a vendor and would like to know more about providing advertising to support the site, and you would like to know how this site can help your business, please contact us for special rates and program information.

The XLR Net is for all of us. If you have an idea or suggestion, please drop us a note.

Articles at the site have been contributed by others. If you benefit from the work someone has been so generous to contribute, drop them an e-mail and say "thanks". Ultimately, we all gain by our own contributions. If you have an experience in restoration, Cadillac XLR history, a particularly interesting XLR with a story, or have performed a modification that you feel others should know about, let others know by posting it in the forums.

Finally, this site is supported by the vendors which you see in the ad banners. Please consider these vendors when purchasing cars, parts and accessories. Sending them business is your way of saying, "thanks for supporting the site". And please let them know you saw their ad on the XLR Net!

Thanks for stopping by. We look forward to seeing you and your XLR!

Cadillac XLR Forums for owners and enthusiasts!