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The purchase of the XLR V, was a reward to myself for losing a lot of weight. The Dr. advised that not only should you have a goal for yourself, but a meaningful reward if you accomplished it. I had a Gastric Sleeve done in 2008 and at the time I weighed nearly 400 lbs. I set a goal of weighing what I did when I married my wife which was 205. My friend was always a Corvette guy and I could never ride with because of my size, so my reward if I made my goal was the XLR V. The goal was hit in January of 2010 and I found my Ride in April of that year. It had 3900 miles on it at the time. It is just about to roll 30,000 now, and I have loved every mile I have driven it. It is my plan to drive this wonderful car until I can't drive anymore. Jim

Thoroughbred Horse Racing, spinning, Cruising the Seawall in Galveston
sales / Aerospace Hardware
My XLR/V(s)
2009 Black XLR-V
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