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Help! Battery?

Billy high

Mar 13, 2020
Colorado city, co
I got home around midnight. As noted on another thread, I planned on installing new shocks today.
I was going to put the shocks in the trunk, but when I went in the garage, the car was dead. The window would "twitch" but the door wouldn't open. I plugged in the battery tender and went to bed. This morning the battery charger showed a green light (fully charged) but still couldn't get the door, or anything else, to work. Used the key to open the door, pop the hood. (That's when I saw the green light on the tender).
I hooked up my bigger charger, now I need to go outside and do some yard work. I'll check on it later.
Side note! My wife just came in said the hazard lights were blinking.
Heading out there now.
Any ideas?
The lights were "flickering" and the horn was giving tiny honks, quickly. Don't know how else to describe it. I'll probably go get a new battery, it shows charged, but other threads say it's sensitive to battery condition.
Meanwhile, nothing is more important than yard work, so I won't get to it for a couplehours. Battery store is a half hour away...
Yep, battery.
Took the battery out.
Hooked up jumper cables. Barely touched the ground, lights came on, horn honked, good enough for me.
A dead battery, what's new.

Hi Billy

Still….. you dont know how old is the battery, it would be wise to have the load of the battery checked, in order to make sure that it will maintain it"s charge.

If your XLR stay parked for a while with a battery with a poor life balance, the electrical system of the car needs a constant energy to keep up with many modules datas…..then the chances to get the car started could be of a bad surprise.

A fine battery with a tender when the car is not used is the answer for having less electrical problems.

IAN :wave:
Yep, I think I replied on the shock thread...
Great minds think alike. The old battery was so dead it couldn't be tested, after being charged on the tender all night, and once I opened the car, my big charger.
New battery, all's well!
Front shocks done too.

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