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Help! Cadillac XLR 2004


Dec 5, 2019
Rennes 35000 FRANCE
Nouveau propriétaire d'un XLR 2004,mon voyant de défaillance moteur s'allume au tableau de bord.Après passage au lecteur OBD 2 ,le code P0420 signale un défaut sur l' échappement,peut-etre au niveau des sondes lambda.Par mesure de prudence.je change les bougies.les bobines et les 4 sondes . Je fais controler les taux de pollution en sortie d'échappement et on me déclare que l'auto passe sans problème au controle technique. 50 kilomètres plus tard,le meme voyant se rallume toujours avec le meme code défaut.
Quelqu'un à t'il été confronté à ce problème et si oui,quelle est la solution?
Dans l'attente d'une réponse...
Salut, bienvenue!
Jetez un oeil à ce fil peut-être:

Advice needed re: catalytic converter, and response to questions appreciated

Le code P0420 signifie «Efficacité du système catalytique en dessous du seuil (banque 1)». Lorsque vous recevez un code P0420, cela signifie que votre convertisseur catalytique ne fonctionne pas avec une efficacité maximale.

Méthodes rapides pour corriger un code P0420:
Vérifiez le système d'échappement pour d'éventuelles fuites.
Utilisez Catalytic Converter Cleaner pour éliminer toute accumulation dans le système.
Réparer ou remplacer les capteurs d'oxygène endommagés (outil spécial requis)
Remplacez le pot catalytique.

Bonne chance!

p.s. Quel est le kilométrage de votre XLR et a-t-il été utilisé régulièrement ou uniquement pour de courts trajets de temps en temps? Dans tous les cas, je pense qu'essayer un nettoyeur en premier serait une sage décision. Veuillez également inscrire votre voiture au registre ici - un XLR Européen est exceptionnellement rare!


Hi & welcome.
Have a look at this thread perhaps:

Advice needed re: catalytic converter, and response to questions appreciated

P0420 code stands for “Catalyst System Efficiency Below Threshold (Bank 1).” When you receive a P0420 code it means your catalytic converter is not operating at maximum efficiency.

Quick ways to fix a P0420 code:
Check the exhaust system for potential leaks.
Use Catalytic Converter Cleaner to remove any build-up in the system.
Fix or replace damaged oxygen sensors (special tool required)
Replace the catalytic converter.

Good luck!

p.s. What is the mileage of your XLR and has it been used regularly or only for short trips from time to time? In any case, I would think trying a cleaner first would be a wise decision. Also please enter your car in the registry here - an European XLR is exceptionally rare!
Hi Gord

Thanks for your informations, I beleive that it is a fine one, however in the United States they are together while in Canada the provinces are not United

The constitution of the US is a unilingual one, while in the snow country, it is a bilingual one.

Can I suggested you to keep your energy for the Montreal West for your bilingual posts, were they dont care about our culture.

Bonjour Jimboo

It would be perhaps easier for you to be help by the US peoples if you would write your post in the American language, is in it.

Θέλετε ελληνικά - πήραμε ελληνικά! <-- now that's Greek!

Hi Gord

Thanks for your informations, I beleive that it is a fine one, however in the United States they are together while in Canada the provinces are not United

The constitution of the US is a unilingual one, while in the snow country, it is a bilingual one.

Can I suggested you to keep your energy for the Montreal West for your bilingual posts, were they dont care about our culture.


You are most welcome to suggest anything you'd like, it is your prerogative. This is a public forum on the world-wide-web which (obviously) covers the world, not just the USA, which by the way, I am extremely familiar with as with Canada and many other countries, thanks very much.

The bilingualism in my reply is so the 'default' language of this forum's (US English) speaking members can understand what I've written. Simple as that.

I do believe, and correct me if I'm wrong, the object of this forum is to help one-and-other with issues that pertain to the Cadillac XLR. It's not about crapping on people because they perhaps ask too many questions or write in multiple languages so *everyone* can understand. There's only one person who would have the right to comment regarding me doing so and that is Rob Loszewski, the site owner and admin.

If someone throws up a question in Spanish or German or Dutch... I may just answer them too because that's what everyone should call being polite, and I can handle those languages fairly well.

Ian, perhaps consider to stick to the point: help the fellow over in France with his XLR...maybe someday he just may help you - one way or another. ;)
Hi Gord.

It is an opinion and this site is what all about, do you understand me now…

We are from the same city and the same bilingual province with an official language in place and that most of the time not respected.

When Sally made a joke with the Greek language I understuded that he could not help Jimboo, Sally is one of us ready to help quickly most the XLR owners with their problems.

Less of 10 % of the foreigner do their request in the American language, and are quickly help by the XLR owners.

My opinion is that your answer was fine however, the official American language was not respected, would you have written in the American language first and in priority I would have not reply to your unfair way.

PS American language is of the old English with the influences of the Celt languages of the Britain islands.

Sans rancunes

IAN :wave:

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