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uright cstorage between the seats


there are 6 clips . 2 at the top 2 in the middle sides and 2 on the bottom. you cannot see them. until you split the door. You can see the broke bottom one In the photo light gray area. all are about the same distance from the side. There is no reason to split the door apart to grease unless you want to try and replace the latch which you cannot get new or the nut that holds the latch is loose. . just spay a little lube on it when its open.
We both are right. mickeytee is correct also. In my case, the pop out button totally came out of the door when I pulled on it trying to open it. I had to reassemble the button and sleeve, and it pushes back in. I had to go out and look at the thing once more. The button came out in my hand due to the lower hinges being stuck. There's a spring inside that pops the center button out and the button turns on a cam that releases the latch. The whole assembly was in my hands when it all came loose. While it was out, I used clear silicon grease to lube the moving parts. Once the assembly is pushed back into the door, it latches itself in with plastic clips attached to the button assembly. In my case, I didn't have to split the door apart

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