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Help! Aftermarket rear gears?


New Member
Mar 5, 2009
palm bay
My XLR/V(s)
2005 xlr, 1967 d-villn
Has anybody done a rear gear swap or know of any company making gears for the 2005 xlr?
Yep! GM, Corvette has a set for the pumkin which will fit right in the XLR, that will get your car moving really fast. I got a quote one time of $2,500 to $3,000 and you get to keep the old gears at Chevrolet. I never did it because gas was going through the roof at the time.
Has anybody done a rear gear swap or know of any company making gears for the 2005 xlr?
Looking to go faster? :dunno:

Deeper gears = more fuel to drink. Then, when you are at the stop light next to a GT-R (6) or a Subaru WRX turbo (4) :ugh: .....light goes green and you are handed your azz > :wave::buttslap: :eek:
Look up one of the many Corvette salvage shops and get a whole differential cheaper than doing the gear change.
I'd second the notion of seeking out a complete rear end for economy's sake. Gears alone are only a part of the price. Sometimes you end up replacing bearings and should usually replace seals. Professional set-up is a must, as the pinion depth, backlash, mesh pattern, etc have to be right or it will get noisy fast and could wear prematurely.

Remember with gearing, the higher numerically you go, the lower the top end speed, as for any given rpm, the vehicle does not move as far. Usually this results in better acceleration, at the expense of cruising mpg. The reverse is true, too, so lower numerical gearing generally works the other way, but for both "rules" there's more at play than appears on paper.

John B

OK and a great deal has to do with computer driven transmission shift points. The Computer is looking for certain rpm marks for shifting.

I did the swap from 4.10 to 3.42 in my '92 454 SS truck, anticipating better mileage than the 10 I had been getting. Swapped in the 3.42. All went well with the set up. Did not really notice much as far as the get up and go because of the big block torque. Unfortunately I had not anticipated the computer managing things. In the end I did not realize a gain in MPG, as the computer controlled 4L80 e put me in 4th , then OD at 48 mph after the swap, where as I used to get into OD at 35 with the 4.10 rear.

So back to my question here.......... Any info on the gear ratios available for the XLR ?? 4.56 ??, 4.10 ??, 3.73. ?? What is available ?

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Bill. I have not done one to be sure but several people have and show that the corvette does not swap over. Heres a post from one of our members ,so the few people here that want to argue can contact him and not me. I just remember reading also on a corvette forum a guy wanted the taller gear and bought one from and xlr and the pumpkin did not swap over.

I think it turns out to be buying a gear and a swap over from what you have .
Transaxle gear swap - my experience getting to a 3.42

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