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Control Module


Seasoned Member
Aug 24, 2013
My XLR/V(s)
2009 Silver Platinum, 2005 Black Raven XLR
Should I try to purchase control modules for use later and are there differences within the same year? No problems right now but want to be prepared.
Not a bad idea, I toyed with the idea after my last episode. There are no differences during a model year, but 04 & 05 are unique, then 06 & on. I believe after that they went to Corvette computers.
Should I try to purchase control modules for use later and are there differences within the same year? No problems right now but want to be prepared.

Modern electronics has come on a long way, however certain capacitor types fail if not used over a long while. Thus the shelf life of an unused module might be shorter than the one you have in service. If you were to swap them into and out of service that might extend the life of both.
Not a bad idea, I toyed with the idea after my last episode.

We went ahead and got backups after reading of your episode! Glad you shared it.
Wasn't happy with my episode either but I am glad it happened the day I purchased the car. Now I am going to try to be prepared for an incident. BTW I went to the garage to get into the car last weekend and doors wouldn't open. I finally got into it with the 2nd FOB but it wouldn't start with the 1st one, said no FOB available. Replaced the battery in the first FOB and everything works great now. Worrisome though because Mark read that someone went to a gas station, left FOB in car and battery died. He couldn't get into the car and had to call his wife to bring the 2nd FOB. Now I think I will carry a spare battery for the FOB in my purse. It appears to happen instantaneously so having a spare battery may prevent an issue.
Thanks Giz, not ready to spend that much yet for a part since both are still under warranty but appreciate the thought. Don't really want to use Cadillac service because they don't seem to take care of the car, grease everywhere. Do you take your car to the dealer for service? We are trying to learn everything we need to know to take care of these XLR's. We did buy service manuals and a Tech 2 that just arrived today. Let us know if you are ever in the Lex KY area. You are welcome to bunk here.
Wasn't happy with my episode either but I am glad it happened the day I purchased the car. Now I am going to try to be prepared for an incident. BTW I went to the garage to get into the car last weekend and doors wouldn't open. I finally got into it with the 2nd FOB but it wouldn't start with the 1st one, said no FOB available. Replaced the battery in the first FOB and everything works great now. Worrisome though because Mark read that someone went to a gas station, left FOB in car and battery died. He couldn't get into the car and had to call his wife to bring the 2nd FOB. Now I think I will carry a spare battery for the FOB in my purse. It appears to happen instantaneously so having a spare battery may prevent an issue.

That's why I keep a spare copy of the key (which opens the trunk so you can open the door) tied in a super secret (???) location on the body of my car. One can also keep a spare fob (minus the battery) somewhere as well. The battery-less fob will operate the car if inserted in the glove box slot.
Wasn't happy with my episode either but I am glad it happened the day I purchased the car. Now I am going to try to be prepared for an incident. BTW I went to the garage to get into the car last weekend and doors wouldn't open. I finally got into it with the 2nd FOB but it wouldn't start with the 1st one, said no FOB available. Replaced the battery in the first FOB and everything works great now. Worrisome though because Mark read that someone went to a gas station, left FOB in car and battery died. He couldn't get into the car and had to call his wife to bring the 2nd FOB. Now I think I will carry a spare battery for the FOB in my purse. It appears to happen instantaneously so having a spare battery may prevent an issue.

Interesting, how was the guy able to lock the car with the FOB sill inside? Will the automatic locking system lock if the key is still inside when the car is turned off? Also I always carry a copy of the emergency key with me just in case I have to use it to get into the car . I also keep the FOB and key in my pocket even when driving.
Wasn't happy with my episode either but I am glad it happened the day I purchased the car. Now I am going to try to be prepared for an incident. BTW I went to the garage to get into the car last weekend and doors wouldn't open. I finally got into it with the 2nd FOB but it wouldn't start with the 1st one, said no FOB available. Replaced the battery in the first FOB and everything works great now. Worrisome though because Mark read that someone went to a gas station, left FOB in car and battery died. He couldn't get into the car and had to call his wife to bring the 2nd FOB. Now I think I will carry a spare battery for the FOB in my purse. It appears to happen instantaneously so having a spare battery may prevent an issue.

I put my purse in the trunk with the fob in it & hit the button to close it before realizing what I had done. The trunk would not open with the fob inside the trunk; all batteries (fob & car) were fine. I had to call Mike to bring fob 2 so I could open the trunk. :pat: I experimented with our '08 Caddy (the XLR is an '06) and the trunk WOULD open with the fob inside the trunk.

Might be interesting to see what an '09 does!
I put my purse in the trunk with the fob in it & hit the button to close it before realizing what I had done. The trunk would not open with the fob inside the trunk; all batteries (fob & car) were fine. I had to call Mike to bring fob 2 so I could open the trunk. :pat: I experimented with our '08 Caddy (the XLR is an '06) and the trunk WOULD open with the fob inside the trunk.

Might be interesting to see what an '09 does!

That's very intresting. This would suggest that if one is sitting in their XLR (04-06) someone could not just open the driver door and get someone out. However sitting in the XLR (07-08) would allow this?

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