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2005 vs 2008 Suspension


Active Member
Aug 26, 2010
My XLR/V(s)
2008 Light Platinum XLR
I have been reading that the 2005 had a 5 speed transmission and the 2008 has a 6 speed. However, does anyone know if there were changes to the front or rear suspension or the shocks?

I put my aftermarket wheels on the 2008 from my 2005 and the back end sits higher and there is noticeably more gap between the tire and the wheel well.

Any suggestion or comments would be greatly appreciated.


I believe the suspension is fully adjustable all the way around. Maybe your 2005 was adjusted down a bit, or the suspension was just a bit more worn out. You could adjust the rear of the '08 down to where you like it.
No changes I'm aware of, I would attribute to shock wear, or the first one was lowered. It's very easy to do, looks great and I don't feel it affects the ride. Others have complained about the ride though after lowering theirs.
If the 2008 is adjustable is their a manual or guide for this?
It lowers the same as Corvettes, and more Corvette guys lower their cars. It is easy to do, I just don't have the procedure handy. Bruce (CadillacTech) could probably talk you through it, or check a site like Corvette Action Center.
If you can't find the info I'll try and locate a link. I did both my Corvette and my XLR, love the look and ride.
I posted a note in the Corvette Action Center and I will see what kind of bites I get on it. I have googled and searched and have come across nothing.

If anyone does have the instructions it would be greatly appreciated.


I lifted mine1/2 inch to allow for the new wheels. It's very easy. All you do is jack the car uo. on the end of the spring there is a little screw that go's through the spring and has a rubber end on it that rids on the A frame. Just screw it either way to raise or lower it. A little go's a long way.
Monepit that sounds fairly easy compared to the 'official' directions Bruce sent me. lol

Thanks to Bruce for sending me the directions!

Cheers all!


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