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Seasoned Member
Sep 20, 2013
Carlisle, Ontario
I may have posted this before, but now that spring is here - sorta, be aware that Polarized Sunglasses block the Heads Up Display. I thought my Display had failed and searched for a shady spot at High Noon to RTFM.

After pushing a lot of buttons I happened to remove my new shades and voila! HUD working just fine.
In Ontario Canada, vehicles are required to have an 'etest' every 2 years. I had delayed in putting my trickle charger on my battery last Fall and it went dead in 3 weeks.
I got in thru the trunk and after a long 2amp charge, put on my home-made 300ma 12VDC charger until last weekend. It started just fine.
I journeyed 5 miles or so to my garage for the test and the equipment was hooked up.

The etest was inconclusive due to the battery failure which deleted all the computer history on engine management.

I was told to drive 18 miles minimum and come back tomorrow with some history on the computer for a retest.
I was also advised that the 18 mile drive does not always work.

Who knew?


I may have posted this before, but now that spring is here - sorta, be aware that Polarized Sunglasses block the Heads Up Display. I thought my Display had failed and searched for a shady spot at High Noon to RTFM.

After pushing a lot of buttons I happened to remove my new shades and voila! HUD working just fine.
In Ontario Canada, vehicles are required to have an 'etest' every 2 years. I had delayed in putting my trickle charger on my battery last Fall and it went dead in 3 weeks.
I got in thru the trunk and after a long 2amp charge, put on my home-made 300ma 12VDC charger until last weekend. It started just fine.
I journeyed 5 miles or so to my garage for the test and the equipment was hooked up.

The etest was inconclusive due to the battery failure which deleted all the computer history on engine management.

I was told to drive 18 miles minimum and come back tomorrow with some history on the computer for a retest.
I was also advised that the 18 mile drive does not always work.

Who knew?


Back at the shop today for second try at Etest.
The Evaporative test does not compute unless the fuel tank is 1/4-3/4. I had a full tank so that test was 'not ready' Still got a Pass. Next time (2 years) I will have it done in the fall when tags are current and battery is UP!
I too found this out about polarized sun shades. My problems was that I have three sets of Polarized and three non-polarizes glasses so was not a happy camper until one day I wore the non polarized glasses.:lol:

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