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Hood for XLR V


Sep 14, 2013
My XLR/V(s)
Looking to replace my hood on my standard XLR with the hood for the XLR-V. I saw one at the dealership when I originally purchased my vehicle and fell in love with it, but the dealer at the time would not sell me one. Perhaps they were not available. At any rate, any help would be appreciated.
I searched for one at salvage yards in the midwest a few months ago and had no luck. GM does have them in the inventory and I think they are around $1322.00. Then if you pay a shop to paint it the tri-coat red paint you have and install it you can probably add another $1000.

I just noticed in your profile it says you have an "09 RED XLR", 2009 only had a platinum model and the XLR-V model and they both came with the XLR-V hood so if you have a 2009 it should already have a V hood on it.
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