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Japlopnik Calls XLR "Deal of the Week"


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Oct 7, 2006
New Hampshire
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From Jalopnik:

Posted ON WED OCT 3 2007

Let's say you're looking for a V8-powered roadster. You're flush, but aren't entertaining the typical Germanic options. You want a crisp handler, but that well worn, peak-earning-years ass has seen better days. Getting rattled around like the last Cracker Jack in the box isn't your idea of fun. You like your gadgetry on a limited basis, don't mind a plebeian dash binnacle, but think having radar-guided cruise control might be a hoot. Run-flat tires don't pose a problem, but a cloth top does. Depreciation is a minor inconvenience, but paying full price is out of the question. You've come to the right stretch of incentivization. It's the 2007 Cadillac XLR, a car you haven't though about for at least a year, and neither has anyone else. That's why Cadillac's been offering a $7,500 rebate on the near-$80,000 car for several months. The XLR is a niche of one, a Corvette for retired gearheads. It's pricey, but maybe you don't care about that so much.

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