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Random Sighting..... near Port Dover

Apr 18, 2011
Mountsberg, Ontario, Ca., winters: Port Charlotte
My XLR/V(s)
2009 XLR Crystal Red Metalic
This past Friday just happened to be a Friday the 13th. If you ride a motorcycle and live any where near southern Ontario (Canada) you will know that there is a HUGE gathering of motorcycles in the small lake side town of Port Dover on EVERY Friday the 13th (for more on that www.pd13.com ) where 20,000 motorcyclist converge there for a wee bit of fun.

Anyway, I was riding into town on #5/Cockshutt Rd., (it was likely around 9am-ish) when a beautiful black XLR drove by in the opposite direction. It all happened so fast that I can't tell you if it was a V or not, or if it was a 2009 (the only year I can tell at a glance) but is was not so fast that my left hand shot up in a THUMBS UP jesture. So if you happened to be the driver of that car and a chick went by on a red Harley with a huge grin giving you the thumbs up: well then ....that was me! :wave:

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