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Adaptive Cruise


Nov 12, 2024
Western Massachusetts
My XLR/V(s)
2007 XLR Black on Black
Did all XLR's come with Adaptive Cruise? I can't quite figure that out. My new to me 2007 doesn't have the front lens - as mentioned in another thread, I have what appears to be a type of fencing for my lower grille. My car was hit in front (it actually has a rebuilt title) and several parts were replaced. I'm wondering if they didn't install the module(s) for the ACC. I'm not getting any messages on the DIC, which I guess, is interesting if the car was supposed to have it.
All cars but the v had it. Some say the v mesh blocked the signal but ive seen mesh lower grilles and the adaptive cruise works. Look on the left drivers side sitting back a little should be a 3 x5 box. Its just a square plastic cover. If it was miising i woukd think you woukd have a light on.
I took it out for a run tonight and tried to use cruise. Nothing. No light on the dash, no response at all. I'm wondering if a fuse was pulled. I'll have to check. I also have to get that picture to you. I took it, just haven't had the chance to send it.
Does it have the factory radio? Some people change the radio and bypass the factory amp. The amp is used and needed for the adaptive cruise

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