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Cadillac XLR Owner Gets Trapped in Car After Key FOB Battery Fails


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Oct 7, 2006
New Hampshire
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Peter Pyros of Cleveland, Ohio decided to take his rarely driven 2006 Cadillac XLR for a short drive to prep it before winter set in.

Unfortunately, when Pyros got in the car, and shut the door, the door locked, but the key fob battery was dead and wouldn’t unlock the door.

For nearly 14 hours, Pyros struggled to stay alive in the car in the 70 degree plus weather, passing out a couple times, but coming to only to continue struggling to get out of the car.

Punching and kicking the windows out didn’t work. Luckily, a next door neighbor heard him pounding on the car, jumped the fence and called 911. The emergency personnel tried several times to open the doors, but failed. They finally popped the hood and jumped the car, thus freeing Pyros from his prison.

“It was the most horrifying experience you can imagine,” he said Monday in a phone interview with The Washington Post. “I accepted, at some point, that this is how I’m going to die.”

Full Story on the XLR Net's Home Page

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