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Custom Plates


Seasoned Member
Aug 24, 2013
My XLR/V(s)
2009 Silver Platinum, 2005 Black Raven XLR
I realize this isn't technical stuff but want to get custom License Plates for my XLR's. I have thought and thought but can't come up with any good ones and don't want to reuse any of yours. I really wanted BAT MBL for the black 05 but it was already taken by a Toyota Prius. Evidently in KY there can only be 6 letters or numbers on the plate. I guess I could do MY XLR and MYXLR2 on the plates but if you have any other suggestions it would be appreciated.
Here's a few

Maybe BATCAD for the black one. I'm guessing a Prius hasn't taken THAT one (not sure there's anything more opposite of a Batmobile than a Prius ....).
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2 Fast

Ol Fart

Thanks for all the suggestions. I agree that a Prius doesn't look at all like a Bat Mobile and I couldn't believe that was the car that had the plates (neither could the girl at the DMV) but it does and even if they give them up they aren't available for 2 years. Oh well. I do like Bat Cad (thanks xlrating) and Mark (mpv96vette) likes Dark1. Thanks also to Cubby and MarkSki for their thoughts. I am getting some really good ideas and I do have 2 so I will let you know what I decide.
Finally decided on the plates

Finally decided on the vanity plates and didn't want to use any that you guys have already used. In KY you can only use 6 letters/numbers so that makes it more difficult especially since many are already taken. So I am going with UWANT1 for the silver 09 and XLR2NV for the black 05. Mark is going with U2SLOW on his 96 vette. Let me know what you think.
Finally decided on the vanity plates and didn't want to use any that you guys have already used. In KY you can only use 6 letters/numbers so that makes it more difficult especially since many are already taken. So I am going with UWANT1 for the silver 09 and XLR2NV for the black 05. Mark is going with U2SLOW on his 96 vette. Let me know what you think.

I like them ALL, especially UWANT1!!!!

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