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Warning! Emergency Door Handles.


Seasoned Member
Sep 20, 2013
Carlisle, Ontario
In view of the recent deaths of a man and his dog trapped inside a Corvette, I think it is important that we make passengers aware of the emergency door latch mechanism location. Everyone know about it?

Apparently it has happened on other vette's, even a low battery in the key fob can trigger electrical shutdown. It could also happen with XLR models.
According to reports on Google, the Vette had a loose battery cable connection and no power was available. He had left his phone inside the restaurant.

I left a friend in my XLR once and he could not get out or open windows since I had the fob with me. It was just for a pit stop but the vehicle heats up in a hurry in the sunshine.

It was the first time I became aware that there was provision for opening the doors with no electrical power. A breaking a window would be harsh but effective. Impact breakers work well if available.

Play safe, Gord.

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