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Manual shift issue


Apr 29, 2017
Crown Point, Indiana
My XLR/V(s)
2006 Blue Steel
My recently purchased 2006 XLR shifts perfectly in automatic mode but wont work in manual mode. When placed in manual it shows gear it's in on hud but will not shift up or down. Any thoughts on problem and a fix? Thanks......Caddyman
The shifter is both manual, operated by a cable from shifter to transmission.
When you slide the shifter lever to the left, it operates electronically. A tap forward or backward changes the gear. If it's not working like that, the electronic portion of the shifter is more than likely gone on the fritz. A good diagnostician can trace it down as to what is really wrong. I'm sure when CC gets here, he can explain it better than I
Thanks for such a prompt response! In manual mode tapping lever forward or back does not shift out of the gear initially in when I go from auto to manual. Know these cars are electronic wonders. Anything I can do to diagnose or fix before I turn to trained mechanic is appreciated.
The Driver Shift Control (DSC) doesn't have a lot going on as far as complexity. When the shift lever is moved into the DSC gate, it activates a set of switches to shift up or shift down. The switches are connected to the Transmission Control Module (TCM). A fault in this function is usually attributable to the switches, cabling, or the TCM.

A Tech 2 is used to verify proper operation of the circuit.

CC :wave:

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