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Help! New battery on my '04 XLR will go dead in a few days.

Seemingly there is a short to ground somewhere. How do I go about determining where the short is? Thanks, Ed

With difficulty. Look for easy solutions first and the easiest is to check where you keep the fob. If it is close to your XLR, then it will keep the car 'awake'. A common mistake is to store to fob inside the house next to the door into the garage, so while there is a wall between the fob and the car, the fob is still too close to the XLR.

Check you haven't left the interior lights on, or have after market additions that are incorrectly installed.

After that, it is tricky. Working out which fuse covers which circuits and pulling out sets of them to see if it makes a difference is one approach. Make sure you put the fuses back in the correct slots! Once you have found a group and it is one of them, fit back half the fuses and see which improves the situation. Each time fit half the remaining ones, doing half at a time is the fastest to identifying the problem circuit.

It is no good testing a circuit briefly, many circuits take a surge curent when first connected and then shut off after a few minutes, this makes finding a problem more difficult.

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