Seasoned Member
I think that's the best description. When you raise or lower the top, one of the cylinders pops the panel up, the one directly behind the roll-over hoops that Top Hydraulics calls the tonneau cover. My top got out of synch somehow (it's fixed now) and the links that connect that panel to the cylinder snapped the plastic ends on both links and they're just hanging there at this point. To make the top work correctly, I have to hold that panel open by hand. Would you say I'm describing that well enough to relate it to a parts person so that they know what I mean and they can then laugh at me and say it's no longer available? Has this happened to anyone else? It doesn't look like there's enough surface area on the plastic parts that snapped to adhere them back together successfully, so I'd like to try to get replacements.
John B.
John B.