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Cadillac XLR Book by John McCormick- $27 on Amazon


Seasoned Member
Nov 14, 2009
San Diego, CA
My XLR/V(s)
2005 Platinum with Shale
Hi everyone,
There have been some great deals lately on Amazon for the Cadillac XLR Book by John McCormick. I bought a brand new copy for only $28 the other week!

There are a few used ones listed.
Cheapest one is: $27.32 + $3.99shipping


The articles in the book are ok; there's a lot of repetition about how world class the car is and other marketing fluff. I wish it dug a little deeper and talked about the lesser known features of the car (like the hidden cubby hole in the trunk, etc).

They spend a few pages talking about the Bulgari instrument graphics, but I personally think the dash cluster is one of the weakest design elements of the car (looks like they were lifted from a 1989 Chevy Cavalier!)

My favorite section was the early sketches of the EVOQ- very cool to see the mid-engine concepts.
The scale model design proposals on pages 34-35 are fascinating....I really like the one at the bottom of page 35.
Page 46 explains that the critics hated the " W " rear end design of the Evoq, and that's why they changed it to a more traditional bumper (which I personally think was a mistake!)

Hah, with everyone looking they must be jacking up the price, they all look about $50.00 and up now.
What was the suggested retail price originally?
I think the book was originally going for $125 or $150 new, which was ridiculous!

Somewhere on this board, I read that the vendor who originally sold the book (who I heard is now out of business) took 2-3 months to ship it.

~$50 is probably still worth it. I'm not sure I'd pay much more than that.
They sold for around $50 new.

Unless you bought it from Alan :laugh: I think I paid around $60-70.

The books were given away free when you bought the car new back in the day. Then, when we went to Rendezvous 2, or 3, can't remember which - when we got our tour of the plant in Bowling Green, Cadillac passed around the books as a gift to us. Some people were lucky enough to get their books signed by the staff, engineers, designers, etc., that trip. Reading about the Evoq was interesting - SEEING the Evoq was breathtaking .... oh, what an era.....
I would be interested in purchasing the book, but that darn shipping is more than the book itself. Ouch

I could purchase one for you... or you could purchase and just have it shipped to me. I would get it to you in BG (or before if we link up somewhere along the way). Just an idea...

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