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Greetings from the newb


Seasoned Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hi all,
I bought my '08 Red XLR-V yesterday and have been having a great time learning and driving. Do you remember when you first got yours?

There have been a few disappointments, Bluetooth, MP3, Remote Start... but way more grins at this amazing machine. I expect I will be able to solve any shortcomings with aftermarket accessories. The longer I look the more I enjoy looking at the styling.

I have discovered a lot, expect learn more and will try not to bore you with newbie questions that I can get the answer to by reading. There is one question I must ask...

Is it just me or does everyone notice other people trying to impress me with the performance of their car when they notice the XLR-V? I am not doing anything "showy" at all (usually idling at a red light) and it seems every Mustang, Camaro or other performance oriented car must launch hard and/or go WOT. Is this just part of being an XLR driver? Do you get used to it over time?

I look forward to sharing in the future.
Yes ... you get used to it ... expect it .... and laugh like hell when they do a burn out and you just let them wonder ... WELL, THAT'S THE BIGGEST LIE I'VE EVER TOLD, ..... RIGHT, CUBBY???? :laugh::laugh:
Yes ... you get used to it ... expect it .... and laugh like hell when they do a burn out and you just let them wonder ... WELL, THAT'S THE BIGGEST LIE I'VE EVER TOLD, ..... RIGHT, CUBBY???? :laugh::laugh:

Yeah Cubby, what have you got to say about that?

Congrats Phrede, and welcome to the forum.
Congrats and welcome to the forum. :cool:
Welcome. I agree with you 100%. Every time I pull up to a light or pass a vehicle, not matter what it is, they try to race.
Welcome to the site!

Friendly folks and our OWN Cadillac Tech here.

I bought my XLR on a Tuesday, but did not pick it up until Friday, as it rained all week and only cleared on Friday morning. I meant to bring the owner's manual home with me on Tuesday, but forgot.

But thanks to this great site, the manual was online, and I was very well informed about the controls when I did drive it home on Friday!

As far as the "challenge" thing goes, my brother has both a 1932 Roadster and a 1932 3-Window Coupe. Both are black and both have ZZ430 engines. It happens to him all the time! :ugh:
WELCOME and congrats on your new ride!! And, yes, you do get used to the "racers" out there.
Last time I was in Minnesota with the XLR, I was on the Interstate north of the Twin Cities, travelling just over the speed limit and had just passed an older Bonneville. I looked in my rear view mirror a little while later and the Bonneville was gaining on me fast. He got beside me, slowed up and was trying to get me to punch it. Well, I noticed an unmarked patrol in the median just ahead, he didn't. I punched it quickly and let up just as fast. The patrol pulled out just as we passed, turned on his lights and pulled over the Bonneville. I waved as I drove passed doing just over the speed limit. Yes, I can be mean at times....
Welcome to the fourm.

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