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How should automakers respond to rapidly falling fuel prices in the United States?

How should automakers respond to rapidly falling fuel prices in the United States?

  • Scale back plans for hybrids

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Revisit plans for diesel-powered vehicles

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Ramp up production of trucks, SUVs

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Make no major change to long-term planning

    Votes: 13 100.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


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Oct 7, 2006
New Hampshire
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How should automakers respond to rapidly falling fuel prices in the United States?
I agree

Rod, I totally agree with you. OPEC just held a meeting and decided to reduce output which of course will start the price to go back up. When the money grabbers that we send to Washington D.C. get their heads out of you know where and actually start representing "WE THE PEOPLE" maybe we will become energy self sufficient. We do not have statesman anymore, just congressmen and women that serve one term and retire at full salary ($175,000.00) per year for life. When my ancestors served in the United States Senate they did not recieve a salary, it was an honor to serve their country, maybe we need to go back to those days. First Robin:patriot:
$2.86/gal/reg yesterday ....

Hmmm..... but the election is next week ... so, I'm thinkin' we better fill everything up this week :squint:

Most people we talk with have stalled their new vehicle plans ..... because of the instability of the oil and the economy ...

It looks like the automaker's are responding accordingly ..
I voted no major changes,for the same reasons as Madam RA. After next week, gas prices will be going back up.
I also voted "No Change".

Regular unleaded is at $2.19 here! I agree with Ruth Ann; I'm sure it will soar up after the election. OPEC can cut all the production they want; we still get a good chunk of our own oil domestically..... and we're exporting diesel?!? Oh boy.....

First Robin has it right as well. It used to be a priviledge to serve our country as a politician. Now it's your ticket to big $$$$$$!

And what automaker (or any other domestic corporation) would want to invest in technology to increase fuel mileage (hybrids, electrics, and so on) when the (American) public doesn't really want or need them with our cheap gas? It's no wonder Toyota and Honda are kicking our butts on the hybrids. By the time GM has the new Volt out, Toyota will have a new Prius out, and GM will be paying catch-up.....again.
HGR ....


Oh ... I think I'd be filling up trash cans! (or a swimming pool!) :naughty::naughty:
Build me a hybrid/electric that is stylish, fast and provides a cruising range that exceeds my daily commute and I would look at one.

Until then, I like my Shelby!!! :rocker:

And if I keep the boost gauge out of the positive range - I get decent mileage, all things considered.

Plus added benefit of excessive wheel hop when shifting into third gear! :rotate:
Build me a hybrid/electric that is stylish, fast and provides a cruising range that exceeds my daily commute and I would look at one.

Until then, I like my Shelby!!! :rocker:

And if I keep the boost gauge out of the positive range - I get decent mileage, all things considered.

Plus added benefit of excessive wheel hop when shifting into third gear! :rotate:

Have you seen the $109.000 100% electric Tesla Roadster? 0-60 in 3.9 sec, 244 miles per charge? And very stylish.
$1.99 in San Antonio today. They need to keep the focus on the hybrids and other alternatives. These prices are not going to last.
I agree with Kent. That should have been one of the choices on the poll. We all voted for the last one because we didn't have the right choice for voting.
$1.99 in San Antonio today. They need to keep the focus on the hybrids and other alternatives. These prices are not going to last.
Gee, maybe the prices will go down in the hotels too. Sorry, we don't all have a business account that will pay for these prices. I know, I hijacked it........sorry!
$1.99 in San Antonio today. They need to keep the focus on the hybrids and other alternatives. These prices are not going to last.

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