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The ole puddle on the floor


Seasoned Member
Dec 8, 2008
Evansville Indiana
My XLR/V(s)
2004 black raven
I just noticed the ole puddle on the floor. I jacked it up and all I could see is the left plastic tank seem has a little wetness on it. the funny part is it has been sitting there for about a week and this is the first I saw of it. I dont know but I am gussing this is one of the leaks that just shows up after it cools and sits. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm thinking since it's not under warrenty and it is very small I will just drive it and see it it causes any trouble. Any thoughts?
Was the tank just topped off? I have heard of problems with Vettes and XLR's when you top the tnak off instead of letting it stop when the pump first kicks off. I've never had a problem with mine nor the Vette.
I just noticed the ole puddle on the floor. I jacked it up and all I could see is the left plastic tank seem has a little wetness on it. the funny part is it has been sitting there for about a week and this is the first I saw of it. I dont know but I am gussing this is one of the leaks that just shows up after it cools and sits. Any suggestions would be appreciated. I'm thinking since it's not under warrenty and it is very small I will just drive it and see it it causes any trouble. Any thoughts?

Is there color to your puddle??
The car's don't leak when they sit.
Lola has had every leak ever mentioned on this forum. 3 new radiators .... new hoses ... washer fluid tank .... you name it ...
Good luck finding it, they can be elusive little suckers. :squint:
I just re read the post. I guess it could be confusing. The leak is from the radiator not the gas tank.
Definatlly antifreeze. It is leaking from the left plastic tank seam where it joins the radiator. I drove it for a couple hours today and it never leaked a drop. After it sat in the garage for about 2 hours it started to leak slowly again.
Take her in ... the leaks don't just go away.
You have an '04 .... Lola is an '04 ..... replace everything you can, while you can ... the '04's are the red-headed little stepsisters to the virtually repair-free later models ...:squint:
The good news to this fix is you'll be getting the upgraded "V" radiator. It's a cheap part ($185 or so on gmpartsdirect.com.) The '04s and early 05's received a bad batch of radiators (and headlight bezels, and top sensors and . . . . )

Good luck!

CC :wave:
The good news to this fix is you'll be getting the upgraded "V" radiator. It's a cheap part ($185 or so on gmpartsdirect.com.) The '04s and early 05's received a bad batch of radiators (and headlight bezels, and top sensors and . . . . )

Good luck!

CC :wave:

Hey, CC ...... another step-sister! We should compare service records sometime! Bruce (Cadillac Tech) printed mine out for me and said he thougt the printer would run out of paper before it was done! :pat:

Anyway, not one complaint about the NorthStar was ever listed!

Hope you can drive down and drive on in to San Antonio with us ...
It's actully $270. Still not bad. I shoud have one here tomarrow and I got a local shop that said $115 to replace it.
Mine is leaking too

There was a small puddle of coolant under my '05 this weekend. Was this a recall item? I have a 90 day warranty on it, due to buying it used. Would like some type of Service Bulletin or recall info to take to the dealer. The price of the radiator isn't bad, but I'll bet the labor is outrageous...
There was a small puddle of coolant under my '05 this weekend. Was this a recall item? I have a 90 day warranty on it, due to buying it used. Would like some type of Service Bulletin or recall info to take to the dealer. The price of the radiator isn't bad, but I'll bet the labor is outrageous...[/quote

There was neither a recall/campaign or service bulletin released on the replacement of the radiator.

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