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Top oil


Seasoned Member
Oct 17, 2008
Billings, Montana
My XLR/V(s)
2007 Red Jewel XLR
Just wondering if the hydraulic oil for the top is a special oil or if any hydraulic oil will work?
Hi Bruce,
my XLR is a 2004 and I never had any problems with my top do this hydr. oil need to be changed???


One of my hoses sprung a leak... and I'm sure I will need to replenish oil after I replace it. According to the service manual, "the system is self-bleeding and the oil picks up carbon black from the numerous O-rings used in the system. The carbon black acts like a dye, darkening the fluid considerably and giving it a black appearance. This is a normal occurrence and no repair attempts should be performed, as replacement will also darken".
One of my hoses sprung a leak... and I'm sure I will need to replenish oil after I replace it. According to the service manual, "the system is self-bleeding and the oil picks up carbon black from the numerous O-rings used in the system. The carbon black acts like a dye, darkening the fluid considerably and giving it a black appearance. This is a normal occurrence and no repair attempts should be performed, as replacement will also darken".
Oh, now I see why you asked for this!!!

Interesting about the o-rings dyeing the oil; never heard of that before and I've dealt with o-rings for a long time!

When my top hydraulic pump/manifold was replaced, the oil was the same color in both --kind of an Alaskan Amber color to it. I bet it made a total mess of your interior Scott; how did you clean it up?!!

:wave: CC
Hey CC, did you mean Rod - not Scott?

Interesting about the o-rings dyeing the oil; never heard of that before and I've dealt with o-rings for a long time!

When my top hydraulic pump/manifold was replaced, the oil was the same color in both --kind of an Alaskan Amber color to it. I bet it made a total mess of your interior Scott; how did you clean it up?!!

:wave: CC

Actually, the hose only leaks when the top is all the way up. Then it squirts for about 1/4 second when the header is latching, and toward the rear window. Only the rear window and shelf are getting squirted. I haven't cleaned anything yet; waiting until I get the hose replaced. I may have to take it to a detailer if my cleaners don't do the job sufficiently.

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