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Carmel Artomobilia August 24 2013

I'm all signed up for the XLR Corral.

I made my hotel reservations in February. Feb is when I make all my reservations - this, Funfest, Mid-Ohio, Road Atlanta, etc. :D
I'm all signed up for the XLR Corral.

I made my hotel reservations in February. Feb is when I make all my reservations - this, Funfest, Mid-Ohio, Road Atlanta, etc. :D

I went through the registration above and Artomobilia sent me an email yesterday telling me I was already registered. :confused:

I must have done it when I made my hotel reservations. Damn, getting old is no fun. :dunno:

Count me in. (Bringing Crown Royal Blue, Black and Maple this year)(Just for Gizmo's benefit)

I'm keeping a low profile this year (I should have my headers by then and that's just going to be too loud), so I'll just take the Maple and sit down.

Hope PJ is ready to stay sober that day :squint: so she can drive us home. Unfortunately, I have a race the next day so I need to decide if I'll change the tires before the event (ugly) and keep them on for two days or at 5AM the next morning. If there's any threat of rain, this decision is easy, we'll just hafta wait and see.
Registered! What hotel is base camp? Same as last year?

I hope so, that's where I made reservations:

Hampton Inn Indianapolis/Carmel
12197 N Meridian St Carmel, IN 46032
(317) 843-1100
We need more XLR's!!

Looks like we have 8 cars so far. We need another good showing for our corral!! Bruce & Kathy are bringing Ed's Nieman-Marcus edition. We need more to sign up for this event, there are some great cars to see!!
Event dash plaque;


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2 more

Larry & Julie are planning on joining us with their XLRs. That will put us @ 10 XLRs. We still have room for more!
Larry & Julie are planning on joining us with their XLRs. That will put us @ 10 XLRs. We still have room for more!

To bad you guys are so far away for us we have been doing a bunch of car shows this year and there a show both Sat & Sunday this weekend! But only difference I have never been at a show where another XLR has entered the show a few have stopped at a show but not enter their XLR!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
Bet you wish you lived closer. We always get together. Not unusual to have at least 5 or 6 together for an event. There will be at least six of us together in So. Bend, IN next weekend before the Artomoblia show! :cool:

To bad you guys are so far away for us we have been doing a bunch of car shows this year and there a show both Sat & Sunday this weekend! But only difference I have never been at a show where another XLR has entered the show a few have stopped at a show but not enter their XLR!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
No Cubby u guys need to move this way to damn cold for me, don't get me wrong we get cold spells too n but not very often!

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Thanks Dan
Bet you wish you lived closer. We always get together. Not unusual to have at least 5 or 6 together for an event. There will be at least six of us together in So. Bend, IN next weekend before the Artomoblia show! :cool:

I wish I was a little closer!! Those "day" trips you guys take would be fun!

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