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Console Cover Lid


Seasoned Member
Oct 2, 2015
West Columbia, Texas
My XLR/V(s)
2006 Base Infrared
I don't know how many XLRs are out there that have a broken console lid. Mine was broken from the get go and I fixed it to keep shut using some velcro strips. The only problem was I got tired of hearing a rrrrip everytime I opened the console. Last week I bought a set of various sized magnets. I used 3 pair of these magnets cemented to the bottom lip and top lip of the console and lid and am happy with the results. Stays shut over road bumps, opens and closes easily.
cool. I have the latch part to repair them with GM parts. Its a little bit of work no seems to want to do to fix them. You solution sounds easy enough. Mine will repair the lid hinge if its broke also.
The hinges are/were ok, but the latching system was kaput. I've had it out so many times I know how it operates, just flimsy material.
Long Tall Sally, do you have part numbers for the latch parts needed. I would like to fix it to factory working order if possible. Any help is appreciated.
There are no part numbers for individual pieces of the console. It was sold as one piece which was around a grand. Latching mechanism, hinging mechanism, lid, etc. All sold as one piece
Where can I get those GM latch repair parts and at what cost?? Mine is acting up at times!! Be specific in your answer please!!
steve, There are no parts from GM other than the complete unit. I had 20 kits made up and sold out. I may try to make more as several people have requested them again.
just so we are clear. If you are talking about the wooden drink holder covers that do not stay latched, I have the latch for those. They are about 14$ shipped. I am out of the parts that repair the lid when one of the hinges breaks and the lid does not open and shut smoothly but drops on one corner.
storage compartment bettween seat backs

It wan't the console cover, I miss spoke it was the compartment between the seats! It's latch won't stay in when I push it in!I had to put a piece of a popsicle stick in the space around it to keep it in! Is that latch available? Can I fix it? If so how? It opens that door when I turn it like it should, but it won't stay in!
if a little lube sprayed into the latch while it is out does not fix it , let me know on you other post.
I want to be clear; this is not the cup holder it's the compartment between th seat backs. If and when you have the repair , please contact me! I close the cover, push the latch in, and it slowly comes back out!!
What lube would you use? I used silicone spray previously on it and it worked for quite a few months? That assmbly has threads on it, so it must unthread somehow and come out from the front, because the back is all one moulded piece. It seems to be some kind of a "vacuum unit" that air pushes it out, and when you push it back in it has a bleed that lets the air out, making it stay in. Any thoughts about that??? Also behind the push button there is an "O" ring?? I'm going to try to figure it all out; how to remove the assembly, how it works, and how to repair it!!
you have to take the back of the door off to get t othe nut that removes the latch. That nut and o ring hold it together. But some of the doors back covers are not only clipped together but glued. I posted photos o nhere before of where the two parts are attached so you can break them apart wittht least effort. There are no serviceable parts when you get the latch out . A Saturn sky or Pontiac Solstice have the same latch but the yalso have the same problems so finding a used latch under 100$ will be hard.
Shot WD 40 in on that latch; NO GOOD!!! Please send the photos of where to take the inner cover off! (Or explain where and how to remove it very concisely please!!)Can I get that latch assembly? You could send me aPM with your phone number and we could talk about how to do it!!
No you cannot get any parts for the door. The only way is to buy a used lid when they come available. If you pry apart the lid and do so without braking it ,you still cannot do anything but take the latch out. The latch is molded together and does not come apart.

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