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My Engine has silent "Burp" that I feel at idle. At any driving speed the motor is "Smooth as Silk."What si going on???

Steve Lee

Seasoned Member
Oct 17, 2017
spring hill
My XLR/V(s)
Lately at idle I feel a little silent "burp." At any driving speed the motor is not missing and "Smoooth as Silk" and it only does it sometimes! What can that burp be??
I'd scan it for codes first. Could be a ton of stuff. Might not set a code that a regular OBD-II scanner would pick up unless it's a misfire, but you can rent a Tech 2 scanner and Candi interface online if you do a search. It can dive a lot deeper. Mine ran better after I replaced the coils, but that was pretty obvious because one of them wasn't firing the plug at all. I replaced all eight.

John B.
I'd scan it for codes first. Could be a ton of stuff. Might not set a code that a regular OBD-II scanner would pick up unless it's a misfire, but you can rent a Tech 2 scanner and Candi interface online if you do a search. It can dive a lot deeper. Mine ran better after I replaced the coils, but that was pretty obvious because one of them wasn't firing the plug at all. I replaced all eight.

John B.

I'd scan it for codes first. Could be a ton of stuff. Might not set a code that a regular OBD-II scanner would pick up unless it's a misfire, but you can rent a Tech 2 scanner and Candi interface online if you do a search. It can dive a lot deeper. Mine ran better after I replaced the coils, but that was pretty obvious because one of them wasn't firing the plug at all. I replaced all eight.

John B.
Some days it does it a little, and some not. It never happens at normal driving speeds; only at idle??

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