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Petit Le Mans 2011 @ Road Atlanta

Hi everyone! We are in St. Petersburg now with Hannah and her boyfriend, David. Looking forward to a week of catching up with my 'little' girl - haven't seen her since the two of them moved down here in June.

It was nice to see everyone at the race - even tho, most of the time we can't hear what the other is saying (I'm sure it's all brilliant!). There is no other sound like those GM engines! Jack and Linda - great to hang out with you guys. Sorry we missed meeting your kids. Gizmo and PJ - next time we're packing the down parkas! And of course, my dear Rich: our time together is always too brief...but maybe that's what makes our weekend marriage work :love:

Glad that Hannah and David got to meet Steve. Hope they don't ever have to take him up on his offer of inland shelter from a hurricane, but as a mom, I'm really grateful that they have that option - so thanks, Schooley!

Didn't see a lot of Kathy and Bruce - you guys are always so busy! Can't wait to see some of Kathy's hot pit photos. :worship: So cool that you have such great access to the cars, Kathy. And that assistant guy you have - he's handy to have around... Heard he works pretty cheap, too.

Oh, and in case any of you sports fans didn't notice- it was a SCONNIE WEEKEND for sure! Badgers, Packers and Brewers ALL WON BIGTIME!

What a great time at Petit Le Mans! It was good to see the Cadillacs place 1st and 3rd on Friday. Not so good for the Corvettes on Saturday. I was able to spend quite a bit of time in the hot pits during the race...it was very exciting.
World Challenge Race @ Road Atlanta










OMG - UNBELIEVABLE pictures, Kathy/Bruce! I really wish I could have made it down there this year - but looks like next year should be a go. Already planning my vacation time around the racing schedule.
Thanks for bringing all of us a little taste of how fun these races are!
Great photos Bruck and Kathy. When is the race next year? Definitely want to put that on my calendar. Had a great time driving the track last weekend.

I just noticed cars going the opposite direction in some of the pictures. Do they reverse the course at some point?
Great photos Bruck and Kathy. When is the race next year? Definitely want to put that on my calendar. Had a great time driving the track last weekend.

I just noticed cars going the opposite direction in some of the pictures. Do they reverse the course at some point?

Petit Le Mans will be on Oct. 20 2012. They run clockwise around the 2.57 mile course.:wave:
Dave, I hope you can make it next year. It is a great race. We really like the longer races like Sebring & Petit. Maybe Cadillac will have their parking corral again next year for you guys.:wave:

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