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Service Manual


Seasoned Member
Aug 24, 2013
My XLR/V(s)
2009 Silver Platinum, 2005 Black Raven XLR
Mark says we need to get a service manual. I wasn't thrilled with the grease and dirt the dearlership put in the car when they had to replace the BCM so I am inclined to agree but want everyones opinion. Don't think I will take either of them to a dealer for oil changes but what about other work?
I have been using a Cadillac dealer and twice they have cracked my rocker panels when jacking the car up. The second set is on order now.
Mark says we need to get a service manual. I wasn't thrilled with the grease and dirt the dearlership put in the car when they had to replace the BCM so I am inclined to agree but want everyones opinion. Don't think I will take either of them to a dealer for oil changes but what about other work?

The service manuals are worth every penny if your gonna work on your own. They are a great reference and have lots of pics. Seeing how you have two it would be more beneficial. I don't let anyone work on my vehicles just for those reasons. It's not theirs they don't care. I had one of my first cars fall off the side of a four post lift when the tech forgot to remove the support post he was using when I had some exhaust work done. He started lowering the car,the post was still on the exhaust and held the driver side up and tipped the car over on its side right infront of me. Oops
U can get the manuals off eBay or direct from helm publishing 150-200 bucks
Even with the manuals, you're still going to run into some things you probably can't fix yourself. To the extent you are worried about dirt/scratches/dings, I've had success taking in a super clean car (although I pretty much keep it that way anyway) & telling them not to wipe the paint or wash the car under any circumstances. I'm fine with them thinking I'm ridiculous or crazy if the car doesn't get messed up. The mechanics have actually been pretty cool & gone so far as to take off their coveralls (so clean clothes are exposed) before getting in the car after working on it, & even asked if we could bring it in in the morning before they get dirty.

Admittedly, it took a few years & cars before the XLR to get our first dealer on board. The car czar took his franchise so now we are on dealer #2. So far so good, we've connected with a service rep who feels the same way. If you have a chance to talk face to face with the mechanics & let them know you care about mess, they are usually pretty respectful. If you think about it, they probably work on a lot of cars that are filthy etc. because a lot of people don't care. If you let them know you do, it should work out pretty well (putting aside whether they shouldn't make a mess no matter what).

Now if they're going to drop the car off the lift that's a whole different problem ...:(

I have taken my car to the dealer for some work and they have left the car very clean. They still consider the XLR one of their signature vehicles and will leave it very clean. However, I make it a point to let them know that I really want the vehicle left clean. Mostly, I keep the car very clean and have been very pleased to have it returned just as clean or cleaner after I have had work performed.

I do agree to get the service manuals to do some of the work yourself whenever you can; but if you do take it to a dealer insist that they return it as clean as they got it. I think most will oblige. Afterall this is a Cadillac and an XLR, their signature vehicle.
arv09, if you do take it to a dealer insist that they return it as clean as they got it. I think most will oblige.

BUT... shouldn't they do this anyway??! I wouldn't think a dealership should have to be told this:dunno::dunno:
BUT... shouldn't they do this anyway??! I wouldn't think a dealership should have to be told this:dunno::dunno:

Yes, they should, but some don't. Especially if they consider the cleaning really and extra charge. I was very pleasantly surprised with my dealer (McLauglin Cadillac in Moline, Illinois-Remember, I am in Davenport, Iowa now). I took the car in for some top and rear view mirror work and on the way the front of the car got pelted with love bugs (why they call them that, I don't know. Who could possibly love them). After the work was done, not only did they was the car outside, they cleaned the plastic mats in the interior and put Lexol on the seats. They even made sure the chrome wheels were bright and shinny. In this case, I did ask them to wash it, but they went above and beyond my expectations. I have had to return it to them for other things (nothing to do with the interior) and they have done the same thing. Also all of the service people were very proud of the XLR and admired it. Also on subseqent visits there was no overt charge for the cleaning.
I got my service dealer kissing my butt, I made them keep the car in the garage overnight ever since they respect this and the car. I guess it pays to tell them how you feel right from the star at

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Dan & Wendy
I will remember your thoughts and tell them what I expect when I take the car in for service. I was not thrilled when the dealer had to replace the BCM the day I bought it because of all the grease they left in the car. We have a GM dealer in my town (not Cadillac) but Mark knows the service manager so we may try them next time. If they can do the same service I would prefer to keep it here (as long as they take care of it the way I want). We will see. Hope I don't need much in the way of service but you never know.

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