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It certainly works just fine! Very neat & functional! What kind of flooring is that?

its a commercial grade rolled rubber floor, most commonly used in hospitals and schools. it is basically bullet proof, and I got the material for free, but I wouldn't use it again - its too "clinical" looking and the rubber from the motorcycle tires mark it up really bad. I'm probably going to put some of these garage tiles down where I park the bikes (and where I stand to work): AutoDeck? - Portable Garage Floors, Interlocking Garage Floor Tiles, Modular Garage Flooring, Garage Floor Covering
1982 Camaro Z28 Pace Car
My first car given to me by my dad when I was 15, let me drive it around the block and then parked it and washed it. That was the first day of a 4 year restoration. Alot of time and effort into bringing it back and I learned so much from that experience. First carshow I brought it to was Car Craft Summer Nationals in St. Paul Minnesota and got my car in the magazine.

Picture at Car Craft when I came home on leave and had my XLR parked next to my Camaro, both of which attracted so many people all day. People would keep asking me whose car is the XLR, and they couldn't believe it was mine. I've been working since I was 15 and have found to be really good with my money aka cheap... so I couldn't really break it to them that my dream car is paid for :chuckle. I later dominated the road course only to get dq'ed, but they still put my XLR in the magazine... owell 2 for 2 :lol:

1992 Cadillac Seville
The car that started my addiction to cadillac, my high school car, its been called alot of things from white trash to ghetto, but I didnt care, and yes I bought it that way, LOL.
1992 Cadillac Seville
The car that started my addiction to cadillac, my high school car, its been called alot of things from white trash to ghetto, but I didnt care, and yes I bought it that way, LOL.

Your story made me laugh as it reminded me of the car that started MY addiction, also my high school car, even the school janitor made fun of me and asked me how my "hearse" was doing. It also got the obvious nickname of "Tank" as well . . .


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Amy, "The Tank" is one awesome Caddy! Nothing like a 472 cubic inch Cadillac V-8!
Amy, "The Tank" is one awesome Caddy! Nothing like a 472 cubic inch Cadillac V-8!

Amy gives me crap about horsepower and breaking stuff.........she broke the motor mounts in the '70 Caddy with the 472!!!!

Her dad wasn't happy about paying for the repair but I think he was secretively proud of his little girl.

2003 Honda Valkyrie

Nitrous purge





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Detroit slide show

A slide show from the Detroit Show. There has to be a few hundred photo's here so garb a XL(R) size of your favorite beverage and enjoy! :wave:

S ~;)

Detroit this year, click on the link and enjoy the show <v:shapetype id="_x0000_t75" class="inlineimg" title="Stick Out Tongue" alt="" border="0" stroked="f" filled="f" path="m@4@5l@4@11@9@11@9@5xe" src="https://www.xlr-net.com/forums/images/smilies/tongue.png" smilieid="5" o<img="">referrelative="t" o:spt="75" coordsize="21600,21600"><v:stroke joinstyle="miter"><v:formulas><v:f eqn="if lineDrawn pixelLineWidth 0"><v:f eqn="sum @0 1 0"><v:f eqn="sum 0 0 @1"><v:f eqn="prod @2 1 2"><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelWidth"><v:f eqn="prod @3 21600 pixelHeight"><v:f eqn="sum @0 0 1"><v:f eqn="prod @6 1 2"><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelWidth"><v:f eqn="sum @8 21600 0"><v:f eqn="prod @7 21600 pixelHeight"><v:f eqn="sum @10 21600 0"></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:f></v:formulas><v:path o:connecttype="rect" gradientshapeok="t" o:extrusionok="f"><o:lock aspectratio="t" v:ext="edit"></o:lock></vath></v:stroke></v:shapetype><v:shape style="width: 24pt; height: 24pt;" id="_x0000_i1025" type="#_x0000_t75" alt="http://mail.yimg.com/nq/mc/1_0_0/mesg/tsmileys2/01.gif"><v:imagedata o:href="cid:image001.png@01CE20A4.4BBDFA30" src="file:///C:\Users\Graytoad\AppData\Local\Temp\msohtmlclip1\01\clip_image001.png"></v:imagedata></v:shape>




A slide show from the Detroit Show. There has to be a few hundred photo's here so garb a XL(R) size of your favorite beverage and enjoy! :wave:

Some of those are just :jaw:
Some of those are really confusing . . . In a "what the ...." kind of way. :dunno:

Haven't been online much lately, actually planned to post the one picture two weeks ago but I forgot to get it off of my cell phone.

Anyway, two weeks ago the Niagara Corvette Club hosted its annual car show: open to all vehicles and ages. I had taken my XLR last year and Steve took our 67 Corvette Convertible. This year we took just one vehicle, a 64 Ford F100. At the show fellow forum member 'Hollywood' Kevin took his 07 Passion Red XLR and at the awards ceremony Kevin was rewarded with first place in his category which was called something like Modern Performance Car (the Corvettes had their own categories) and Steve won 3rd place for the truck category. We left right after our award, it was real hot that day but found out that we also won best custom plate, the truck has the plate GNARLEY which surprised the heck out of us as every other Corvette as well as lots of other assorted vehicles had custom plates too!
20140727_152019.jpgThat is Hollywood Kevin in black and Steve in red
DSCF6278.jpgThis is our 64 Ford that is actually for sale, PM me for more info if interested!

Fast forward :burnout:to this weekend. In St. Catherine's Ontario is one of GM's Engine & Transmission plants. Every year on a Friday they host a car show on their grounds for GM powered cars only, they do allow 'other brand' vehicles but they must have GM power. Anyway, I decided to take my XLR, I don't often show it: as much as I think it is special and the world should have the pleasure and luxury of viewing my rare car but I still am a classic car customizer at heart and always feel 'new' cars do not belong at car shows. None the less I decided to grace that show with my fabulous XLR!

Anyway, I did not realize there was even a category for my car: there were actually two awards for Cadillac's, First Place and First Runner Up (doesn't that sound somehow classier than second place?!? :chuckle) Anyway, there were at least 6-8 Caddies there including some CTS's an late 70's or so Fleetwood one other XLR (local guy, Gord, who goes to all the shows that allow newer cars, as far as I know I do not believe he joined the forum but he does check it out occasionally) Anyway the winner was a beautiful black 59 Caddy and I was pleased as punch to win First Runner Up as they have the coolest awards, made from real pistons (scratch & dents from the plant), the piston even articulates on its connecting rod. Super cool I think :cool: We have attended this show many times with many cars that have won awards but never won an award at this show: never got one of those cool trophies until now!

Went to the second sat cruise in in my area. Andy (a newbie to the xlr and to this site) met me so I could see his crimson red (as they called it in 2008) his didn't look to far off from my 2006.
. I will be attending a big car show called cruisin the creek here in my area
every time I go to either the cruise in or shows with my baby, I get asked a lot of questions. Most of them I can answer. There is only a few that I can't. But they are always interested in the car.
every time I go to either the cruise in or shows with my baby, I get asked a lot of questions. Most of them I can answer. There is only a few that I can't. But they are always interested in the car.

What type of questions do they ask that you are unable to answer?
Crimson Pearl or Crimson Red as you call it was not offered in 2008. If Andy's car is a 2008 it is Crystal Claret (Crystal Red), which is pretty close to the Infrared of 2006, but it is a different color. Crimson Pearl was only offered in 2004 and 2005.

Went to the second sat cruise in in my area. Andy (a newbie to the xlr and to this site) met me so I could see his crimson red (as they called it in 2008) his didn't look to far off from my 2006.
. I will be attending a big car show called cruisin the creek here in my area
every time I go to either the cruise in or shows with my baby, I get asked a lot of questions. Most of them I can answer. There is only a few that I can't. But they are always interested in the car.
Well they ask many questions. Like how many were made ( I show them my board that I've made up). Then they ask Is this the car that was made up in bowling green. I say yes. Then I get how much hp does this give out. I goofed and said 365. But then I read the page that I printed out on my board. So I was wrong on that.
Crimson Pearl or Crimson Red as you call it was not offered in 2008. If Andy's car is a 2008 it is Crystal Claret (Crystal Red), which is pretty close to the Infrared of 2006, but it is a different color. Crimson Pearl was only offered in 2004 and 2005.

Ok I knew Andy said crystal something. But thanks for clarifying that for me. After looking very intensively at both cars side by side. We both agreed that his was very close to my color. The only thing I saw different was his side windows 1/4 windows were tinted. He said he really didn't notice till I pointed out. He just purchased it 3 or 4 wks ago

Here is mine and his side by side. Supposedly
Annual Cruise-In at local Ford Dealer

Our local Ford Dealer conducts a "Cruise-In" each year open to all makes and models. The turnout is usually about 300 cars. The dealership provides hot dogs and sodas and you get a T-shirt when you register.

We usually attend and this year the weather was beautiful.

Here's a picture of Crimson Pearl and my 1976 Chevrolet El Camino at the show.

Looks great.

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