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Help! Stibilty Trac Issues and other strange giongs on.


Feb 5, 2013
Tuscaloosa, AL.
My XLR/V(s)
2004 Crimson Pearl XLR
Stibilty Trac Issues and other strange goings on.

Last night while driving home I experienced a new issue with my 04. The car momentarily felt like the right hand brakes applied themselves. At the same moment the info screen flashed "StibiltyTrac Active". This process repeated 15-20 times over a 10 mile trip.
This car had a history of needing to be "Re Learned" to fix issues related to the top function and most importantly a false gas gauge reading which the dealer wanted $3K to drop the tanks and replace the sensors. Once the car got its default education the gauge started working. Lastly I notice that the outside temperature is way off. Could this be part of the re learning process? Will the re education perhaps correct the Stibility Trac issue as well?
I do not trust our local dealer anymore and really hate to take it back to them without some knowledge on my side.
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I might be misunderstanding what you mean by the Re-learn process solving problems. Specifically, a Re-learn applies to the Folding Top Control Module, while other modules can have new data written in, (like the radio, or Remote Control Door Lock Receiver module accepting a VIN) which is similar, but different.

Another Stabili-TRAC-related issue that might be applicable to your situation is a faulty/intermittent wheel hub speed sensor. These supply rotational info to the system to engage Stabili-TRAC when a wheel looses traction. If the standard connector retainer installation doesn't fix the problem, you might look there; the other two sensors in the circuit monitor and compare the XLR's yaw and steering wheel position. Speed sensors appear to be less reliable then the former.

To disable the stability control function, press and hold the Traction Control Switch when in PARK; two messages will be displayed. That will prevent the problem from happening while driving, but not fix it.

CC :wave:
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I needed to reupholster the drivers seat anyways..

:chuckle Happy to try to help, good that you have a sense of humor about it.

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