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Seasoned Member
Oct 16, 2008
Mesquite, NV
My XLR/V(s)
2004 Lt. Platinum & 2006 Lt. Platinum XLR-V
It seems my steering wheel is lagging behind in retracting when I get out of the car. which leaves me waiting to get out.
Considering you guys have your seat and steering wheel retrack to get out of the car, can I get a few of you people to check and see if the seat moves back and the wheel retracts at the same time. My dealer thinks I've lost it, but I'm quite sure that it used to all retract at the same time. thanks guys and gals.
It seems my steering wheel is lagging behind in retracting when I get out of the car. which leaves me waiting to get out.
Considering you guys have your seat and steering wheel retrack to get out of the car, can I get a few of you people to check and see if the seat moves back and the wheel retracts at the same time. My dealer thinks I've lost it, but I'm quite sure that it used to all retract at the same time. thanks guys and gals.
One other thing............what are tags which you can add to a thread?
seat and wheel moves at once for exit position when I turn it off and goes into driving position when I start my XLR. Same with my V.

My adviser who is very knowledgeable is insisting that the steering wheel on the show room floor starts moving one second after the seat moves. I told him that mine moved together and so do other members here and that's the way I would like it.
Mine does the same... all move together.
There is a brief lag on our 07 too, the seat begins its backward move before the wheel begins retracting. Or; maybe my butt is more sensitive to the sensation of movement. Gives new meaning to the ole "seat of the pants" speed meter we all claim to have..................:lol:

Somehow I think I left myself wide open with that response. :pat:
I wouldn't mind if there was a small lag but the seat goes down and back then the wheel does it's thing, but I thank you for your reply.
There is a brief lag on our 07 too, the seat begins its backward move before the wheel begins retracting. Or; maybe my butt is more sensitive to the sensation of movement. Gives new meaning to the ole "seat of the pants" speed meter we all claim to have..................:lol:

Somehow I think I left myself wide open with that response. :pat:
Seat and Steering Wheel

My steering wheel does just what it is supposed to, my seat stays in the same position as I have long legs so it won't go back any farther but on the other Cadillac's past and present they both worked at the same time. That is the way they are set up to do. First Robin

One other thing............what are tags which you can add to a thread?

Tags are a searchable discriptive word that you can associate with anything, a picture, an mp3 song, and in this case a thread. For instance you could tag this thread with "Exit" or "Exiting the XLR". It just gives another method of finding what someone is looking for.
Thanks ben
Tags are a searchable discriptive word that you can associate with anything, a picture, an mp3 song, and in this case a thread. For instance you could tag this thread with "Exit" or "Exiting the XLR". It just gives another method of finding what someone is looking for.
You guys where a big help with this problem. Stopped in to my dealer today and my "Joe the advisor" (not plumber) is very knowledgable and figured out that when they had my seat out for re-upholstering, they never removed the codes, so they removed the codes and I reset all seat and wheel functions for getting in and out and Ala Kazam, by golly.............all is back to both working together at the same time.
Thanks guys. I printed out all your remarks which made him look harder. Made my day

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