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Seasoned Member
Oct 17, 2008
My XLR/V(s)
'16 Z06, "06 XLR-V Infra Red-Sold, RII, RIII & RIV survivor, Mdwst Maurader
Thought some of you from the other site would like to see what is being said/posted about us members who left. Below is a post from the other site, I omitted who wrote it, but most of you will be able to tell who it was:

I have been watching the site over the last few weeks, and have noticed what I call a refreshing change. There seems to be less personality issues going on and less bickering. I am very happy as the site is about cars and information. I have had so many individuals over the last 5 years tell me that they were tired of all the bickering and personal attacks on one another on this forum.

My own personal clients, told me it used to be fun to look at what people were experiencing positive and negative with thier XLRs, but then stopped coming to the forum, as it was becoming a personal outlet for some.

Im talking about individuals that signed up as members over the last 4/5 years and just stopped posting because they were saying that the forum had become a personal blog or message board for people and that isn't why they joined.

The excitement of members talking about their own experiences and issues they have had regarding their XLR, seemed to have vanished over the last 6 months or so. In the last month, I received 4 emails from members that have been with the forum for over 4 years, said that the forum seemed to have gotten away from being an information source on the XLR and going in the direction of a personal messaging board.

I have always said, there were so many personal comments on the threads, that it has made it hard to find the question and follow up answers for the individual that is looking for help.

Only a small percentage of individuals can afford to purchase an XLR new, so I believe it is important to have the forum getting back to it's roots and trying to help all the new owners that have questions and concerns about their vehicles and not having to navigate through massive threads that many include huge amount of just personal info that has nothing to do with the XLR.

I for one look forward to helping the old and new XLR owners with their issues and concerns.

Message from the other side

Thanks Cubby for posting this, yes it is easy to tell who wrote it. I am not able to agree with him on several of his statements, one mainly about there hadn't been any discussion about the XLR. Am happy to see you here, this looks like a great forum, they have even broken down by the model year info on our little toys. First Robin
It's great to see a lot of our friends have made the move to this site. Glad you're aboard as well, we will probably end up making this the preferred XLR site!!!

Well ... isn't that interesting??!! :lol:

I guess there will be quite an influx of new members over there that want to just talk tech stuff ..... how fun is that? And how do you ever create friendships if you can't blog a little??

Isn't it also very interesting that the majority of the active members have moved over here .... and how refreshing to have a moderator (Rob) ask us if there is anything he can do to make our visits here better. What a guy. :rocker:

I never could understand why people would read the personal stuff if they weren't interested in it .... and then complain about it?? What's up with that?

Thanks Cubby, for the post .... great to see you and The Little Woman ....

This is a really great forum .... have you had time to look around yet? Someone's garnered a lot of information already ...

(got my "wings" clipped .... :laugh:)
(got my "wings" clipped .... :laugh:)[/quote said:
That's OK, RA--they will grow back. Just remember--no hijacking threads and no soliciting:laugh::laugh::laugh:

I posted a response on the old forum to the guy who was trying to sell his X for the longest time (Mikey).....his deal fell through so I posted
"You should try listing it on xlr-net.com as well. There are quite a few owners there."
The wonderful moderator decided he had editorial discression on my blog and changed it to read "You should try listing it on the other xlr sites as well. There are quite a few owners that are on all of the sites."

He then pm'd me telling me that I couldn't list "competing sites"......I didn't know these forums were competing for world dominance.....I'm just glad that we all found this great forum.

BTW......here is my responsorial post to our old world leader....

"i had included the "other site" in my post but my post was altered by the moderator because it mentioned a "competing site" and i was informed that it is against this forums policy to do that. I didn't think it was ok to change someones blog either but we learn new things everyday. The blog above by me is not at all what i had posted. The "other site" doesnt change what one types. If you want the name of the "other site" pm me.....Is that legal.....i guess i will find out???

I thought these forums were for information purposes. I am not sure how they compete but who am i to question anything the moderator decides??? Part of sharing knowledge includes referencing other web sites.....doesn't it?

This post reminds me of a message in a bottle......I sure hope someone gets to read it. Marc D."

I only posted it here because i am sure that it will be obliterated with the many others and I too shall be in the elite bannished club. Marc D.

Well I am certain you will be joining our club of banned rascalls for posting inflamatory remarks so be happy you are here with all the happy people. Like I said on another post, I looked in today and there had been no new post since the 17th of this month, I guess you needed to stir things up and wake them up over there. :patriot::rocker::wave::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:First Robin
Well, that's just really sad.

When I visited D.C. and the battlefields last March, I was in cemetary's that were full of young men who gave their life for our freedom of speech .... :patriot:

I cannot fathom how anyone can become so powerful ... and on an Internet forum no less.

That's just not right. :(
This guy doesn't learn from one minute to the next. Ruthie you have to start working on that letter when you get a few minutes. This moron is out of control.
Maybe we should get the Civil Liberty Union after him. Everyone here has had their rights taken away by this A.H. Please excuse my French.
suitntie I seen your post yesterday on the old site, I check the old one once in awhile to see if anyone raising cane since the banning, I seen your quote before and after change. I told cubby suitntie probably next to go. I was going to pm you and let you know, I knew the moderator would let you know. You are close to being one of the rebels.:worship:
Maybe "mr. legend in his own mind" reached his banish limit??? Or maybe better yet....the forum banished him.....how funny would that be.
Suitntie you will have to post and let us know if you get banned from the other site.
I don't think Suitntie will be banned .... their mission has been accomplished. That forum can't afford to lose anymore members .... the owner would be furious. Sponsors too.

But it is clearly obvious that all of us have the same basic value ....

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend YOUR RIGHT to say it" .... :patriot:
I don't think Suitntie will be banned .... their mission has been accomplished. That forum can't afford to lose anymore members .... the owner would be furious. Sponsors too.

But it is clearly obvious that all of us have the same basic value ....

"I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend YOUR RIGHT to say it" .... :patriot:

Couldn't have said it better Madam RA:worship:
Our old forum world leader has not been online for over 24 hours......hmmmmmm.......wonder how much of a :buttslap: he has been getting.
Why don't you people have a contest and see who can get thrown off next. My money is on suitntie or his Cubbiness..............double dare ya!
Our old forum world leader has not been online for over 24 hours......hmmmmmm.......wonder how much of a :buttslap: he has been getting.

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