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Hope to drive the XLR tomorrow

Look at us people....LOL.

We're like small children on Christmas eve eager to open presents the next morning...lol. Almost every post reads the same and each and every one of us are sitting on the edge of our proverbial seats like we're watching a movie thriller waiting for the climax...lol. Each of us with that Oh boy, I can't wait til' spring look in our eyes.... I say again we may have to start some group therapy sessions to get us through these winters...lol.

I had no idea it would be this tough...
3 days on the road in February

I took the "Date" car, out on Valentine's Day for dinner with my wife. 20 degrees and dry roads. It snowed again on the 15th. The XLR back on life support. Sunny skies and in the low 20's on Sunday and went to visit my parents. Ran it through the car wash on the ride home. Drove it to work yesterday and one of my co-workers said it was good weather for top down driving as I went out for lunch. Snow again today and I took the sedan to work! More snow in the forecast for the balance of the week. It felt so good to drive it.
It was almost 70 here Sat. so I said "Beauty is coming out and her top is coming OFF!"

Not to worry that winter might be gone - it's been in the 40's the last couple of days, will stay there the rest of the week plus good old "wintry mix" tomorrow. :rolleyes:

Of course when it's 95 every day with 100% humidity here in July I might miss this ... Kind of.
Well it's not 70 today, more like 30, but got a call Roxy was ready for homeward bound from the shop, had to give back the 97 Buick LaSaber for my Roxy hell yeah! So she's back home tonight tucked back in garage and she running sweet now so
can't wait for nice weather!!

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Dan & Wendy
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Well it's not 70 today, but got a call Roxy was ready for homeward bound from the shop, had to give back the 97 Buick LaSaber for my Roxy hell yeah so she back home tonight and she running sweet now can't wait for nice weather!!

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Dan & Wendy
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Now that's a nice garage.
Glad she's back home safe and sound

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Thx Guy but not as nice as I'd like it to be although there is beer keg in that frig and off to right a nice gas furnace that cranks out nice heat when needed to keep it toasty & warm!

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Dan & Wendy
Well at lest you have a 2 car garage. I'm stuck with a single car garage and looking for ways to clear out some stuff. But most of the stuff is needed everyday.

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I'm looking to paint walls an off white to brightenRepaint the floors plus new insulated garage doors, and find some used kitchen cabinets to hang around the top area for extra storage it would be high enough that there up above the vehicles but still give storage for the less used items! And I need to put in a better ceiling so I can insulate that better too!

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Dan & Wendy
Well it's not 70 today, but got a call Roxy was ready for homeward bound from the shop, had to give back the 97 Buick LaSaber for my Roxy hell yeah so she back home tonight and she running sweet now can't wait for nice weather!!

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Dan & Wendy

I ran her thru touch less car wash to get off just some dust from the shop, so went cheap and then realized I selected the wash with no blow dry headed home and by the time I got home had some frozen ice on some areas, so that how cold it is here today! Bruuuur come on SPRING

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Dan & Wendy
Surprised that the car wash was working in such cold temps. Turn on the heaters in the garage.

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Still not enough!

Well at lest you have a 2 car garage.

You would like my garage for Crimson Pearl.

I built a new house about seven years ago. I have 3 garage bays in my basement for my "toys". Before I moved the cars in, I epoxy coated the floors.

Here is a photo I took after the epoxy coating was complete.

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Nice, wish I could have this kind of garage. Wish my condo had at least a 2 car garage. 1 side just for the "stuff" and the other for my car

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You would like my garage for Crimson Pearl.

I built a new house about seven years ago. I have 3 garage bays in my basement for my "toys". Before I moved the cars in, I epoxy coated the floors.

Here is a photo I took after the epoxy coating was complete.


How's that floor doing wear wise? I need to redo my I put on epoxy paint with the drop in chips while still wet you apply as you go! I purchase from Lowes said it was for garage floors. It's not hold up at all I have no paint left from HOT TIRE sticking to the tires, I even sealed with our cement floor coating after it was finished! So you remember what product you used!

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Dan & Wendy
I saw
at home deposit or lows. But they come in 12x12 tiles. Got to see if this one will work. I think these save on tire sticking. To the floor

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How's that floor doing wear wise?

It's not hold up at all I have no paint left from HOT TIRE sticking to the tires

So you remember what product you used!

Dan & Wendy

I used UCoatIt.

Look here : UFlek-AF Floor Coating System from UCoat It

It is referred to as UCoat with UFlek AF Floor Coating System.

After 7 years there is no discernible wear. Any spills of grease or oil just wipe up like wiping a spill up on your kitchen counter.

I used the Uflek product as well. I think I have a closeup photo of the finish I will try to post.

The AF coat assures that you do not have a problem with "Hot Tire Pickup".

Check out the FAQ concerning "Hot Tire Pickup".
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Don't know when I will be able to drive XLR again

This winter has been terrible. Was really thrilled to drive both XLR's last weekend but now we are in another Winter Weather Advisory with .5" ice and 4-8" snow tonight predicted. We are in central KY and none of this is good since anything over 2 inches of snow doesn't get cleared very well. Hopefully, this is the last blast of winter but who knows. Already closed my office for the am and possibly all day tomorrow. The XLR's are back on the battery tenders for now. Hope to get them out again before too long.
This winter has been terrible. Was really thrilled to drive both XLR's last weekend but now we are in another Winter Weather Advisory with .5" ice and 4-8" snow tonight predicted. We are in central KY and none of this is good since anything over 2 inches of snow doesn't get cleared very well. Hopefully, this is the last blast of winter but who knows. Already closed my office for the am and possibly all day tomorrow. The XLR's are back on the battery tenders for now. Hope to get them out again before too long.

Exact same situation here.

"Dislike" this weather!
Yes my northern friends. I hope this is the last of the wintery weather for you. I feel :( that you can't let your babies breathe the fresh air. Hope that springtime comes fast for you.

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