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lower smoked plastic grill


Active Member
Oct 19, 2008
Elizabethville PA
My XLR/V(s)
2004 XLR Crimson Pearl
Today after 9 straight hours of driving back from Marthas Vineyard I noticed my drivers side lower smoked plastic grill cover fell off somewhere. Does anyone have a good used on or a good lead on a new one or shall I just go buy one from Cadillac? Thanks Jim F
It's actually one piece all the way across. I will check my price tomorrow and let you know how much...

On a 2004 there are 3 pieces 1 L 1 R and a center. I have a coated steel center that I cover the plastic grill with I need the drivers side Irs about 6"X 12" I do not have a parts book so I dont know the factory number. Jim
On a 2004 there are 3 pieces 1 L 1 R and a center. I have a coated steel center that I cover the plastic grill with I need the drivers side Irs about 6"X 12" I do not have a parts book so I dont know the factory number. Jim

I own a collision repair shop... I will check tomorrow and let you know the cost.
I own a collision repair shop... I will check tomorrow and let you know the cost.

Looks like they have changed the '04-'05 to the one piece lower grille, as this is the only way I show it available. Cost on this part would be $98.86 + shipping to you. It lists out at $123.57. This is the piece that the Adaptive Cruise sees through. FYI... the front bumper cover has to be removed to install it.
Unless you are talking about the rubber valance pieces under the front end... they are L, R and Center. The left side of this lists for $54.91, I could get it to you for $43.93 + shipping.

Let me see if I can find the original one piece 1st if I cant I will get the full one piece. The pic of your car shows the 2 piece plus the center metal grill is that correct? Thanks for your efforts. jim
Let me see if I can find the original one piece 1st if I cant I will get the full one piece. The pic of your car shows the 2 piece plus the center metal grill is that correct? Thanks for your efforts. jim

What looks like a center metal grill is actually my front license plate glaring in the sun. Under the license plate is the intake grille, which is between the two sides of smoked plastic - it is one piece.
FYI, the plastic piece in front of the ACC just pops off. You do not have to remove the bumper cover. I have removed mine a few times when I replaced the ACC module.
FYI, the plastic piece in front of the ACC just pops off. You do not have to remove the bumper cover. I have removed mine a few times when I replaced the ACC module.

Not on the '06-'09... the piece is a one piece, and the only way to remove it is after removal of the bumper cover. And, since Cadillac no longer makes the three-piece and only the one-piece cover, I believe the bumper has to come off in order to replace it.
I believe Rufcar's is an 04. There have to be several 04,s in salvage yards accross the country. It sure would be easier and cheeper to get one from one of those.
I believe Rufcar's is an 04. There have to be several 04,s in salvage yards accross the country. It sure would be easier and cheeper to get one from one of those.

I agree... much easier and alot less $$$$$.
Hey Rufcar:
Do a search on www.Junkyard.com I use them all the time - several salvage yards across the country are searched for the part you need. Maybe you'll get lucky...
lower grill

Rod 1st that site you posted is for some cloths? Next I did check a few yards and the problem is that if an XLR makes it to a junk yard its because theres not much left of the front end thats where that lens is. Sooner or later they will all fall out or get broken from stones and you will need to get the full replacement anyway. Thanks guys! Jim f
Rod 1st that site you posted is for some cloths? Next I did check a few yards and the problem is that if an XLR makes it to a junk yard its because theres not much left of the front end thats where that lens is. Sooner or later they will all fall out or get broken from stones and you will need to get the full replacement anyway. Thanks guys! Jim f

Oops... try www.junkyarddog.com
This one will work better!!!

Rod do you happen to know the part number of the actual 2004 lower left smoked plastic part? Thanks Jim
Rod do you happen to know the part number of the actual 2004 lower left smoked plastic part? Thanks Jim

Sorry, no. My software estimating program only shows the newer 1-piece lower grille - same thing when I call my GM parts house.
Sorry, no. My software estimating program only shows the newer 1-piece lower grille - same thing when I call my GM parts house.

newgmparts.com only shows the 1 piece part now (for 04-05 model years). List price is $123.57 - price from newgmparts.com is $89.68. It doesn't list a part #.
lower grill

I found a supplier in MI who bought all the parts for c5 and xlrs for 03,04,05,06 and stocks them all new all GM. The complete original lower original Grill is $100 I have one ordered. Gm now sells all parts out of warranty to
3 rd party re sellers!
I found a supplier in MI who bought all the parts for c5 and xlrs for 03,04,05,06 and stocks them all new all GM. The complete original lower original Grill is $100 I have one ordered. Gm now sells all parts out of warranty to
3 rd party re sellers!

Do you have a supplier's name and phone # that you could post for others that need parts?
smoked grill

I knew that but didnt have it handy sorry! Here it is.

Shaun Carter
SMC Performance, INC
Specialize in C5/C6 Corvette Parts, GEN 3/4 LSX Engine Parts & Assemblies
248.276.0483 (9-4 EST)
Here's another Corvette parts house that recently won a bid and acquired a bunch of XLR parts from the factory. The owner (Pat) emailed me and said he didn't know what a lot of the parts were and wanted pictures of any requests until he gets things sorted out. He says he has alot of trim pieces, some suspension, and electrical parts as well as many others.


CCC :wave:

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