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Nav Disc

Received my free disc today. Thznks a lot, jjsea, for the headsup!!!

Most happy to be of assistance! I received mine yesterday. I also have a question... there are two disks, an eastern region and a western region... do you just pop in the one that applies? My XLR came with only one disk in the system... no clue if there was a second one in '06 or not.:dunno:

Guys, if you would, please post the version number of the disks you received so the rest of us can compare ours to determine if we also need to call.
I just checked the one I purchased in the Fall of 2009. It is version 8.00 with 2007 map data. I guess that they don't plan on updating the Nav systems with new map data.
No wonder they are giving them away now. The data is four years old!
Got my free one (two disks) in the mail today...
Nav Update

Having owned two XLR's, and currently having the most recent update on the nav; I would say the only upgrades were POI, etc. and not any road updates. I have been to several places where new roads have been put in, in the past 2-3 years and they don't show up on the map.

With the low production of the XLR's, we probably won't be supported with anymore updates.:(:(
It might be just me but it seems counter productive to not support your "Halo" car after it has served it's purpose. The message GM is sending us is loud and clear... you bought our most expensive car and for this we are happy, but to expect us to support you after the purchase with such a small thing as a nav disc update, you must be kidding. The car being out of production means absolutely nothing, other than provide an excuse.
I really disagree that low production numbers are a problem. The opposite is true. Nav discs require software from Denso, data bases for the digitalized road network, and updated data for the POI's. This is the same data with the exception of the Denso software that they use in other current nav systems. This set of data is probably billed as a cost/unit. Fewer units equal lower actual cost. I very much doubt that the data needed to update a disc is purchased at a flat rate one time cost, it makes much more sense to charge users for each unit used.
All GM needs to do is spend a few dollars and have a programmer create the appropriately formatted data set and have some discs made. All that needs to change is the database data, updated to current street configurations and POI's. At $200 per disc it would not take long to recover expenses.
I am not asking for any change in the functionality of the system at all, what we bought is what we should expect, not updates to the latest and greatest graphics and tricks that newer systems use. But keeping the system useful and operational is not asking for much. A person with a 2009 XLR has a disc with 2007 data (discs are always based on date from the previous year) and that's all they can get for a car that's two model years old! If you happen to own an Audi, BMW, Mercedes, Jaguar, or other cars with nav built in the updates are available for cars that in some cases are ten years old, and the nav system in newer cars is completely different.
Bruce W......I totally agree with you and could not have said it any better. My 2005 Chrysler Crossfire has a "voice prompted" non DVD NAV system. The Crossfire was discontinued in 2008 and the latest NAV discs were from 2005. Navquest produced the discs, but Chysler owned the licensing rights. The radios are made by Becker same as you would find in most Mercedes products. On our Crossfire forum/club as a group we approached Chrysler to by the licensing rights, we have over 30,000 members nationally and internationally even though its outdated technology and no longer used in any of thier cars they said.........no. If we could have obtained the rights Navquest would have produced updated discs for us for about $175.00 per unit, and would provide scheduled future updates. It just goes to show you how far companies in general are willing NOT to go for customer service, customer satisfaction, customer loyalty and customer retention.
Bruce w,

I agree also, but with the technology changes over the years and Cadillac using the same system in the XLR over the years, rather than upgrading is most likely the reason for lack of support. The 2 Ford vehicles I have don't even have discs. They use a hard drive which can be updated via the internet. I have yet to pay for any grades on those systems and they are far superior to the XLR's nav system.

Maybe if we all complain to Cadillac about our situation, something will get done.

This is not an issue of hardware or software. The equipment in our cars will process the data just as well as the new and improved hard drive based systems. The only difference is speed. The processor in our systems was state of the art in 2000, not now. The system is simply a small computer that processes location data from inputs to the system and matches that with the data base of information contained on the nav disc. The language of communication to the computer is controlled by Denso, because it's their system. GM bought the rights to use their system when they purchased the units for installation in cars. The only variable is the database information for the POI's and road network, and they buy that data every year for their newer systems. They just don't want to bother serving the needs of older customers and put it on a DVD in the necessary format for our systems.
I love your point that you have not had to pay for upgrades for your Ford nav systems. Being newer systems I am sure they are far superior to what we have. It's also quite possible that they are Denso systems , Ford has used them in the past.
Getting together as a group to complain to GM is worth a try but I sure won't hold my breath. Unfortunately this issue is not about technology or ability, it's all about wanting to serve the customer. As XFireXLR pointed out earlier his group had no luck with Chrysler regarding the system in his Crossfire. It seems that when you scratch the surface of a large corporation like GM and look underneath the PR department spin you find the usual climate of short sighted money driven decision making without any concern for the long term implications of a decision for customers.
I am hoping that Caron from Cadillac Customer Service will respond again to this thread and tell me I'm wrong in my analysis of the situation, and that their is a more rational explanation and here is what it is... I can always hope.
One of the salesguys at our local dealership told us that nav systems are passe' ..... period. His opinion was that most people use cellular nav systems - :squint: Every Smart Phone is equipped .... Opinions????
Lola's Mom;:31600 said:
One of the salesguys at our local dealership told us that nav systems are passe' ..... period. His opinion was that most people use cellular nav systems - :squint: Every Smart Phone is equipped .... Opinions????

Unless you don't have a smart phone. Guess I'm behind the times... I use my phone strictly as a phone, I don't have a texting plan. Texts cost me $.25 per text, data is $.40 each. I really have no need to text... would rather call & talk.
mtrocket-you obviously don't have the same daughter I have lol. I have to text, because my youngest daughters voice just doesn't mesh with my poor hearing. I WISH I could just talk, consider yourself lucky..
mtrocket-you obviously don't have the same daughter I have lol. I have to text, because my youngest daughters voice just doesn't mesh with my poor hearing. I WISH I could just talk, consider yourself lucky..

Believe me... I do. Actually, we have no children... that's how we are able to afford the toys we have. And, obviously the reason we don't text.
Will a nav disc from another Cadillac model work in the XLR? I tried a nav disc from a 2008 Corvette but it wouldn't work.
Will a nav disc from another Cadillac model work in the XLR? I tried a nav disc from a 2008 Corvette but it wouldn't work.

I believe that a disc from a SLS or a SRX will work. I will check my disc and let you know for sure.

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