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Memorial Day

Cadillac Tech

Seasoned Member
Oct 16, 2008
I hope everyone has a fun & safe holiday to kick off the summer. What are your plans? Don't forget those that gave their lives for this GREAT country.:patriot:
Would love to say we're going for a long top-down drive... but it's going to be rainy all weekend here (it usually is over Memorial Day). So, hoping to get a good start on our countertops in the kitchen - installing tile. So, it's going to end up a working holiday...
Happy Memorial Weekend too all, It's suppost to be like summer here up close to 90 and humid! Had to drain the pool because of the warm winter it was super green and it's only got about a foot of water back in it now :pat:
:blinzel: Thanks to all who are still giving and to those who gave for our country and freedom :patriot:
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My niece's HS graduation Saturday - then yard work the rest of the weekend. Sunday is supposed to be in the MID 90's here in Chicago!


I'm grateful to all those who have or are serving in our military in order that we have the freedoms we enjoy. THANK YOU ALL!!!

:patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot: :patriot:
Have a good friends wedding sat. Should be fun! Sun. morning top down 120 mile ride to cottage soak up some sun,beach,and fishing. God bless America and those who have served and honor the stars and stripes:patriot::patriot:
On my trip this past week we drove through a little town named Beecher, Illinois. If any of you have been there, I have to say that it is how I picture all of the Midwest ..... it is pure Americana ... a town worthy of being on the cover of Saturday Evening Post. There were flags proudly enjoying the breezes all down the main street - all the homes had tidy green lawns - children were skating on the sidewalks and riding bikes .... flags flying from the porches of nearly every home. Every house looked like a home that a soldier would return to. A perfect Memorial Day neighborhood ..... Made me a little sad that many American towns are losing that .... Remember to shake a soldiers hand this weekend and thank them for their service or visit a grave .... have a wonderful holiday no matter where you are .... God Bless America :patriot:
So I had a great drive last week for our glorious memorial day weekend. It was our second road trip in Stella and she treated us great! Usually the trip takes two hours door to door. We got on the road at 7 am. Top down, sun blazing, and the acc. Set at 90. We got there 30 min. Faster than ever before the ride was so enjoyable,and smooth. The only thing that I didn't enjoy was cleaning the hundreds of bugs that covered the front end. After cleaning and giving her a wax I found two rock chips that were caused by a driver not paying any attention driving. They are resurfacing i80 had one lane ground down the other wasn't touched yet so there was gravel on the dotted line and the careless driver was swerving in his lane and shot up a whole bunch of gravel and unfortunately looks like the gravel found my car. I was soo mad when hearing the rocks ping of my car,and their was nothing I could do to avoid it but slow way down and get away from the moron. Either way I have to get these chips covered. If anyone has any experience with filling in scratches and having them fixed without major painting. Would appreciate some advice from a body guy or painter on best way to fill scratches so they disappear. Other than that love the car and had a great memorial day!
Well - after 3 trips from San Diego to Kentucky/Tennessee.... one trip from San Diego to San Antonio, TX ..... one trip from San Diego to Colorado Springs, CO. ..... NUMEROUS trips from San Diego to Las Vegas, NV, Los Angeles, San Francisco, Phoenix, AZ .... up and down the PCH ..... I can tell you that we were slammed a few times with sand, road gravel, and rocks and bugs the size of Texas! We did have the front of Lola repainted about 3 years ago - she looks fabulous as I sure most of the members of this forum will testify to. We took her to a Corvette Body Shop where they are trained to cater to picky owners. More so than Cadillac dealers. Believe me, we have been to enough car shows to know that body blends can be done well ... My advice to you is to not worry so much about the nit-picky stuff and enjoy your car - they will be around a lot longer than we will be :) One more point .... they have depreciated so much in value that even a primo one can still be had for under 30K ..... BTW .... happy to hear that you are enjoying yours!

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