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Do you see XLRs??


Seasoned Member
Oct 16, 2008
On The Lake, California
My XLR/V(s)
2007 Passion Red XLR
I know we have done this before (in our other forum life), but on the round trip to San Predo for our cruise, about 4 hours each way, the only XLR we saw was Bob's. (I love Bob's windscreen) :wave::wave::wave:

We have been watching "Sons of Anarchy", (it makes us feel like we are taking a walk "on the wild side") and Katey Segal drives a black XLR-V, its nice to see one on TV. :D:D
There is a new Nike commercial that shows little kids playing sports getting older, playing high school and college and then turning pro that shows a pro driving XLR.
The owner of the local Cadillac dealer in my area drives a 2005 during the summer months, a local attorney has one that is his daily driver and local pharmacist just bought one this summer. Counting myself and LinSue and the three others that's all I see around town; not bad for a community of 30,000. I see two others occasionally on my travels to work in Northwest Indiana.
What's funny to us is the fact as we drive about the state, we never see one but on any Sunday we can drive to the end of the block where sits a brand new church with two XLR's in the parking lot! And neither of them is ours.................We stay away from churches - what can I say; I am perfect and Doris gets pretty nervous in church. It's that fear of lightning bolts.
I have seen a platinum XLR (it was pulled over by a policeman, and I have heard there are two other red ones (I have not seen them) in Billings, MT - population 140,000. Also on a recent trip to Miles City, MT, 140 miles to the east of Billings - population 15,000, we stopped at a collision repair shop, whose owner I know quite well to show him my '07. When the receptionist came out, she said, "It's the red one we've heard was driving around... it looks just like the owners". I said to Cindy, my wife, "You have got to be kidding'. Well, the owner came out and looked at mine then we went back and looked at the '06V that he purchased wrecked that he and his crew is working on. Talk about a surprise!!!
I'm in the Raleigh NC area, and my husband's cardiologist drives a gold/tan(?) XLR, which is where I first saw one and wanted it. There's at least one more in our area - my husband was at the bank in Cary NC when he saw a black one in the parking lot. We've been told there are some others in the area as the owners are part of a website called horsepowerjunkies and have made passes at the drag strip with their cars.
I see a few around here, but pretty infrequent. Saw one today and knew it was the one from Galpin, which is still for sale. The wife wondered why I am still keeping track of for sale XLR's.
Do XLR owners wave at each other like Corvette owners do?
Hmmm, apparently not .... I had Lola's twin drive right past me ... and we ended up at the red light side-by-side .... I gave him the thumbs up - he never looked my way! :( :squint:
XLR's out and about

From time to time I will see one in Colorado Springs. Most of the owners here don't drive them for some reason or another. My salesman told me how happy he is to see me using mine almost everyday. Why have it if you don't intend to drive it. I would guess there are at least 25 here. I have seen Blue, Red, Silver and Black but the times have been few and far apart. First Robin:patriot:
This morning, when we were leaving our favorite breakfast place, BBB, on 4th, street there was a Blue Steel XLR, parked just 2 spaces away and I went to look at it and it had scratches ALL over it:jaw::bawling::bawling::bawling:. It's just a shame people:rocket::rocket::rocket: mess :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: up such a wonderful car!!!!!!!!!
I've seen only a few in New England ... Far less when I'm driving in the snow!
I see at least one almost every day. For a time there were 4 at my work but the IT guy traded for a BMW hardtop convertible, wanted a back seat. :rolleyes:
Driving home over the weekend, I passed a silver XLR with my local dealers flashers. Tried to get him to play, but, he just wanted to go slow and look cool. :cool::cool::cool::cool: My guys at the dealership tell me, he lives in Chowchilla, so I am sure I will run into him again!!!
Driving home over the weekend, I passed a silver XLR with my local dealers flashers. Tried to get him to play, but, he just wanted to go slow and look cool. :cool::cool::cool::cool: My guys at the dealership tell me, he lives in Chowchilla, so I am sure I will run into him again!!!

Yea, some guys feel guilty about racing their mom................:laugh::laugh::laugh::wave::wave::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:

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