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XLR Gathering in Colorado 2010

Also arriving on the 23rd and checking out on the 29th
Not sure yet... probably late in the week - like Thursday or Friday - leaving on the 30th.
People staying at the CMR

Ruth Ann & Ray aka Lola's Mom & Detail Guy 23rd-29th
Kent aka Jetboy 23rd-29th
Randy & Vicki aka k9husker
Rogene & Chad aka Popbigguy 23rd-29th
Cathy & David aka Quinn & DD 23rd-30th

Peole at the Hampton
Bruce & Kathy aka Cadillac Tech & Photo Girl 23rd-30th
Kevin & Marion aka Cubby & Supa 23rd-30th
George aka IndyXLRVGuy 23rd-30th
Rich aka Homegrown 23rd-30th
Marc & Kris aka Tiffany's Dad & Missy Bling 23rd-30th
Brian & June aka Madmac 23rd-28th
Cathy & David aka Quinn & DD 23rd-30th
Jack & Lynda Parker aka jackparker06

People at the Residence Inn Colorado Springs South
Steven & Diane aka Onalaska
Marc & Kris aka Tiffany's Dad & Missy Bling 23rd-30th

Questionable but working on it.
Rod & Cindy aka mtrocket 27th or 28th-30th

Dates in Blue are the arrival and departure dates that have been posted.
If anyone else has their arrival and departure dates let me know. If I have made any errors please advise.
Thank you
How about if everyone attending would share their cell phone numbers? If they did then it would be easy to keep in touch and maybe not only get together for day trips but for meals also. I think a meet and great is a great idea.
How about if everyone attending would share their cell phone numbers? If they did then it would be easy to keep in touch and maybe not only get together for day trips but for meals also. I think a meet and great is a great idea.

IN SA last year, I think it was Lola's Mom who made up a list with everyone's phone #'s on it (after she got them all) and gave a list to everyone attending. Was a GREAT idea!!!
Anyone think of getting a mobile car wash company like was done last year in SA? It was great to be able to come back to the hotels after the drives and have someone there to clean our babies...
Also, has anyone thought of shirts like we did at SA last year - what reminded me about this is the fact that I have my San Antonio Rendevous shirt on.
Just my .02 worth...
IN SA last year, I think it was Lola's Mom who made up a list with everyone's phone #'s on it (after she got them all) and gave a list to everyone attending. Was a GREAT idea!!!
Credit given where credit is due ... that was actually our Blue Bunny that made the list. :rocker: I would be happy to create one and email it everyone since it looks like Jean may not make it this year. So that our personal numbers do not get posted on this very public forum, if you would like to email me yours I will create the list.
Wow - here we are - just weeks away - ready to start the packing challenge again .. :pat: - Colorado is not known for summer-like weather in May ... jackets and sweatshirts a must-have?
Credit given where credit is due ... that was actually our Blue Bunny that made the list. :rocker: I would be happy to create one and email it everyone since it looks like Jean may not make it this year. So that our personal numbers do not get posted on this very public forum, if you would like to email me yours I will create the list.
Wow - here we are - just weeks away - ready to start the packing challenge again .. :pat: - Colorado is not known for summer-like weather in May ... jackets and sweatshirts a must-have?

My #'s are on the way... even though we're not completely sure if we'll be able to attend.:( Hope so, though...:blinzel:
Chad & Rogene, check in the 23rd, out the 29th
I'll do some research this weekend on a mobile wash/detailer for our group in Colorado Springs. I will post my findings on Monday next week.

Anyone think of getting a mobile car wash company like was done last year in SA? It was great to be able to come back to the hotels after the drives and have someone there to clean our babies...
Also, has anyone thought of shirts like we did at SA last year - what reminded me about this is the fact that I have my San Antonio Rendevous shirt on.
Just my .02 worth...
Thank you. Any thoughts about a " greet & meet" Sunday night?

I think this is a great idea!

My input would be a diner-type, INFORMAL, maybe cafe tables for 4 or 6 where we could get up and wander around ... order drinks if we wanted too .... I don't think the food needs to be cuisine, but hearty and tasty - has anyone been to Colorado Springs before? It would be great if we could find a place like that .... haha, sort of like a truck-stop for XLR's.... :lol: I thought the steak house that Kathy and Bruce picked out in Kentucky was great - Other thoughts???
And now we have this option ... a day or so ago this was sent to me in my private mailbox and I thought I should share it with you all - it might be fun to meet up and say "Howdy" ....


I am part of the Corvette club here in Colorado Springs, and I run a repair shop for them as well. We are helping host a rally during the weekend you are visiting our neck of the woods. Would you all be interested in joining your Corvette cousins for some fun while you are here? Let me know what you think.

Here is a link to the flier on the event: http://www.coloradospringscorvettecl...llye/Flyer.pdf


Rik Noring Jr.
Corvette Center of Colorado Springs


This is an invitation from one of our forum members ....

Nice to know that we will have a Corvette tech/shop around for those Corvettes that are in our caravans too -

And nice of him to think of us ....

Rikjr is actually one of our forum members ....
And now we have this option ... a day or so ago this was sent to me in my private mailbox and I thought I should share it with you all - it might be fun to meet up and say "Howdy" ....


I am part of the Corvette club here in Colorado Springs, and I run a repair shop for them as well. We are helping host a rally during the weekend you are visiting our neck of the woods. Would you all be interested in joining your Corvette cousins for some fun while you are here? Let me know what you think.

Here is a link to the flier on the event: http://www.coloradospringscorvettecl...llye/Flyer.pdf


Rik Noring Jr.
Corvette Center of Colorado Springs


This is an invitation from one of our forum members ....

Nice to know that we will have a Corvette tech/shop around for those Corvettes that are in our caravans too -

And nice of him to think of us ....

Rikjr is actually one of our forum members ....

That sounds like fun but a lot of us are not getting in until the afternoon of the 23rd and this is in the AM.
And now we have this option ... a day or so ago this was sent to me in my private mailbox and I thought I should share it with you all - it might be fun to meet up and say "Howdy" ....


I am part of the Corvette club here in Colorado Springs, and I run a repair shop for them as well. We are helping host a rally during the weekend you are visiting our neck of the woods. Would you all be interested in joining your Corvette cousins for some fun while you are here? Let me know what you think.

Here is a link to the flier on the event: http://www.coloradospringscorvettecl...llye/Flyer.pdf


Rik Noring Jr.
Corvette Center of Colorado Springs


This is an invitation from one of our forum members ....

Nice to know that we will have a Corvette tech/shop around for those Corvettes that are in our caravans too -

And nice of him to think of us ....

Rikjr is actually one of our forum members ....
Rik actually hosted a gathering for us at his facility a few years ago when the Corvette Action Center had their CruiseFest is Colorado Springs. If you have the opportunity to stop by - do so.

I cannot speak highly enough of Rik and his crew and he has an amazing shop!!!!!
I did a street view on Google maps ( what a neat thing that is) and there does not seem to be much parking at Oscars. It really does not natter where as long as I can wash down the road dust with a rum.

Just received an email from a friend of mine that is with the Corvette Club. He suggest Oscar's is NOT A PLACE to go, street metered parking and not a place to be after dark. He suggest a place at the West end of Colorado Ave., it is Paravicini's, has lots of off street parking, good food at reasonable prices and an outdoor patio. I also know the Metropolis at the corner of Colorado Ave. and 12th Street, has a large parking lot, outdoor patio, good food and has a bar. I know the owner of the Metropolis. If you would like, I can check both out and see if they would be interested in keeping an area set aside for the XLR group.
Works for me, in fact I can kill two birds with one stone, as I wanted to stop at Micheal Garman Productions and it is just down the street from both of these places.

Micheal Garman has changed to a Museum. Another thought about getting together when people start arriving, you can always just meet up at the Chyenne Mountain Resort, they have a bar and you can check to see if they have a restuarant that is open to the public.
Is it at the same building? I e-mailed them to see if they had retail sales and they do, as there is something there I might be interested in purchasing.

I am pretty sure it is in the same building. A large part of the top face of the building fell off but has all been repaired. They were closed for the duration of the repairs and it was during that time that Micheal stepped back and his daughter stepped up and changed they way they are now doing business. He has gotten older and really wanted to fully retire.
Update for a date. Thank you Jack for letting me know your check in and check out date. Change has been added.

People staying at the CMR

Ruth Ann & Ray aka Lola's Mom & Detail Guy 23rd-29th
Kent aka Jetboy 23rd-29th
Randy & Vicki aka k9husker
Rogene & Chad aka Popbigguy 23rd-29th
Cathy & David aka Quinn & DD 23rd-30th

Peole at the Hampton
Bruce & Kathy aka Cadillac Tech & Photo Girl 23rd-30th
Kevin & Marion aka Cubby & Supa 23rd-30th
George aka IndyXLRVGuy 23rd-30th
Rich aka Homegrown 23rd-30th
Marc & Kris aka Tiffany's Dad & Missy Bling 23rd-30th
Brian & June aka Madmac 23rd-28th
Cathy & David aka Quinn & DD 23rd-30th
Jack & Lynda Parker aka jackparker06 23rd-30th

People at the Residence Inn Colorado Springs South
Steven & Diane aka Onalaska
Marc & Kris aka Tiffany's Dad & Missy Bling 23rd-30th

Questionable but working on it.
Rod & Cindy aka mtrocket 27th or 28th-30th
I hope everyone is doing some research. I believe it is only 8 weeks away. We need to start putting suggestions out so we can make an attempt to try and get an itinerary going.

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